China Water Saving Irrigation
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China Water Saving Irrigation作者:中华人民共和国水利部农村水利司 等编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787508482743 定价:38.0 出版时间:2010-12-01 出版社:中国水利水电出版社 |
China Water Saving Irrigation 内容简介
这本《中国节水灌溉》由中华人民共和国水利部农村水利司、中国灌溉排水发展中心所编,主要内容是:"china water saving irrigation" is compiled and published by department of irrigation, drainage and rural water supply and china irrigation and drainage development centre, ministry of water resources, p.r.china. this is a useful work as it comprehensively summedup and introduced the achievements, technologies, and policies of water saving irrigation. it will play active roles in promoting the development of water saving irrigation in china, and in disseminating and extending water saving irrigation technologies to the whole society.
China Water Saving Irrigation 目录
preface 1 water and agriculture 1.1 water and drought 1.2 irrigation and agriculture 2 overview of water saving irrigation development 2.1 progress of water saving irrigation development 2.2 scientific and technical support to the development of water saving irrigation 2.3 water saving irrigation facilities and equipments 3 strategy on water saving irrigation development 3.1 general train of thought 3.2 the way forward toward water saving irrigation by regio 4 technical system and index of water saving irrigation 4.1 technical system of water saving irrigation 4.2 technical index of water saving irrigation 5 main measures of water saving irrigation 5.1 to rationally allocate and efficiently use irrigation water sources 5.2 to increase water conveyance and allocation efficiency 5.3 to increase water use efficiency of surface water irrigation 5.4 sprinkler irrigation 5.5 micro irrigation 5.6 dibble seeding and water injecting technology 5.7 agronomic water saving technologies and measures 5.8 management water saving technologies and measures 6 laws, regulatio and policies on water saving irrigation 6.1 laws and regulatio 6.2 policies for agricultural water coervation 6.3 technical standards on water saving irrigation 7 effects from water saving irrigation 7.1 increased irrigation water use efficiency 7.2 increased water productivity and overall agricultural production capacity 7.3 speeded up the traformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture 7.4 relieved the contradictio between water supply and water demand, improved the ecological environment in some areas 7.5 promoted the development of water saving irrigation equipment and facility industry 8 conclusio
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