哈萨克斯坦共和国林业发展和森林管理最佳实践报告:英文作者:龙超等编 开 本:26cm 书号ISBN:9787503894633 定价:48.0 出版时间:2018-02-01 出版社:中国林业出版社 |
哈萨克斯坦共和国林业发展和森林管理最佳实践报告:英文 本书特色
哈萨克斯坦共和国林业发展和森林管理最佳实践报告:英文 目录
Chapter 1 Current state of forests and forestry
1.1 General informatioof the economy
1.2 Current situatioof forest resources
1.3 Land use status
1.4 Afforestatioand reforestation
1.5 Urbaforestry
1.6 Community-based forestry
1.7 Production, consumptioand trade of forest products
Chapter 2 Contributioof forests to economic development
2.1 Economic and environmental significance of forests and woodlands
2.2 Financing and investment iforests and forestry
2.3 Forests, livelihoods and poverty
Chapter 3 Forestry policy and legislation
3.1 Forest policy and institutional framework
3.2 Short-term and long-term planning for forestry development
3.3 The history and future of forestry development
Chapter 4 Best practices for sustainable forest management
4.1 Soil and water conservation
4.2 Desertificatiocontrol
4.3 Protectioand restoratioof degraded agricultural land
4.4 Salinizatiocontrol
4.5 Forest fires and pest control
4.6 Biodiversity conservation
4.7 Rehabilitatioof degraded forests
4.8 Comprehensive utilizatioof forest resources and non-timber forest products
Chapter 5 Forestry educatioand research
5.1 Forestry education
5.2 Technical capacity of forestry agencies
5.3 Capacity-building, informatiosystems and research institutions osustainable land management
Chapter 6 Forestry projects and initiatives
Chapter 7 International forestry cooperatiomechanisms
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