中医临证切要作者:奚胜艳,岳利峰,钱林超主编 开 本:29cm 书号ISBN:9787117202763 定价:228.0 出版时间:2015-06-01 出版社:人民卫生出版社 |
中医临证切要 本书特色
奚胜艳、岳利峰、钱林超编写的《中医临证切要 (英文版)(精)》选取临床常见的内外妇儿等科240余种病症,包括诊断要点、辅助检查、中医辨证论治( 证型、证候、治则、方药)、简效疗法,核心内容均以表格形式呈现,简单明了实用。书后附有中医经典著作英文介绍、方剂组成、方剂英文名及拼音名、病证名索引。
中医临证切要 内容简介
中医临证切要 目录
part 1main points of diagnosis, routine examinations and treatments of commondiseases with tcmchapter 1 tcm internal medicine common cold wind-warm disorder warm disease in summer damp warm malaria cough asthma abscess of lung lung-distention pulmonary tuberculosis atrophic lung disease sinusitis allergic rhinitis stuffy nose withered nose throat impediment hoarseness vomiting stomachache stuffiness and fullness abdominal pain hiccough dysphagia dysentery diarrhea constipation precordial pain palpitation vertigo sleeplessness forgetfulness wind-strike dementia manic-depressive psychosis depression disease epilepsy syncope hypochondriac pain jaundice tympanites accumulation-gathering edema anuria and vomiting stranguria dribbling urinary block galacturia lumbago seminal emission impotence tinnitus and deafness headache obesity sweating disease consumptive thirst suspending fluid goiter consumptive disease fever due to internal injury blood disease flaccidity disease arthralgia (impediment disease) tremor convulsive disease cancer cancer painchapter 2 tcm gynecology advanced menstruation retarded menstruation irregular menstrual cycle menorrhagia scanty menstruation prolonged menstruation intermenstrual bleeding ……part 2referencesindex
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