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一维纳米结构材料-概念.应用和展望 节选


一维纳米结构材料-概念.应用和展望 相关资料

插图:When a NW was deflected, the outer surface was stretched and the innersurface was compress. According to the piezoelectric effect, an electric fieldEz was generated along the Z axis of the NW. This induced a voltage dropVs- to Vs across the top end of the NW with first order approximation.This potential drop was created by the relative displacement of Zn2 + cationsand 02- anions, so it cannot be freely moved or neutralized without anyinjected carriers. Thus this potential is persisted in the deflection process ofthe NWs. The AFM tip is a Si tip coating with Pt layer. Due to the large workfunction difference of Pt and ZnO, they form a Schottky contact between thetip and the NW. When the AFM tip was in contact with the front end(stretched side) of the NW, which has a positive bias, the metal andsemiconductor contact is negative biased. The current flow was prohibited bythe Schottky contact. When the tip moved the compressed side of this NW,the metal and semiconductor contact is positive biased. This produced a suddenincrease in the conducting current. This current is formed by the voltage drop acrossthe contacts. The free electrons flow from the loop into the NW and neutralizedionic charges formed by the piezoelectric effect. Thus the VL starts to drop to zero.This piezoelectric energy formation and releasing principle is shown in Figure 2.16which is the basic working principle of nanogenerator and nanopiezoelectronics. In this section, a new field in nanotechnology, nanopiezotronics isintroduced. Working principle of these devices relies on the unique coupling ofZnO's piezoelectric and semiconducting properties.In the demonstratedwork, piezotronics devices based on ZnO NW exhibit potentials to convertbiological mechanical energy, acoustic/ultrasonic vibration energy, and biofluidhydraulic energy into electricity. This is a new path way for energy converting andcollecting, which is a crucial progres


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工业技术 化学工业 高分子化合物工业(高聚物工业)


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