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高等学校英语应用能力考试模拟题。B级 内容简介


高等学校英语应用能力考试模拟题。B级 目录

Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 1Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 2Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 3Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 4Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 5Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 6Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 7Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 8Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 9Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 10Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 11Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 12Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 13Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 14Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 15Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 16Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 17Practical English Test for Coleeges (Level B)Model Test 18Key & Scripts

高等学校英语应用能力考试模拟题。B级 节选


高等学校英语应用能力考试模拟题。B级 相关资料

Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement bychoosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.16. I regret you that we are unable to offer you a job. A) informing C) having informed B) to inform D) inform17. The enemy was surrounded in the valley and it was difficult to A) break off C) break away B) break through D) break out18. What he said me that he was an honest man. A) agreed C) ensured B) convinced D) believed19. Westerners bread, milk potatoes and etc. A) come on C) act on B) work on D) feed on20. By the time you get there tomorrow, the film A) will start C) is starting B) will have started D) is to start21.. Mountainous areas have a poorer TV than cities. A) receipt C) reaction B) reception D) response22. He made the suggestion at the meeting that the problem by students themselves. A) is settled C) was settled B) be settled D) bad been settled23. It me 3 days to have the watch repaired. A) gave C) made B) took D) kept24. The days my heart was young and gay are gone. A) of which C) in which B) on which D) at which25. But as a matter of fact, I did not begin to work he had gone. A) until C) although B) since

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