
首页 > 图书 > 科技/2020-08-05 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:C. Richard Brundle,C

开 本:23cm





有机薄膜的表征 本书特色

  《材料表征原版系列丛书:有机薄膜的表征(英文)》主要内容包括:preparation and materials langmuir—blodgett films、l—b films oflong—chain compounds、cyclic compounds and chromophores、polymers and proteins、polymerization in situ、alternation films (superlattices)、self—assembled monoiayers等。

有机薄膜的表征 内容简介


有机薄膜的表征 目录

preface to the reissue of the materials characterization series
preface to series
preface to the reissue of characterization of organic thin films
part ⅰ: preparation and materials langmuir—blodgett films
1.1 introduction
1.2 l—b films oflong—chain compounds
other long—chain compounds
1.3 cyclic compounds and chromophores
1.4 polymers and proteins
1.5 polymerization in situ
1.6 alternation films (superlattices)
1.7 potentiaiapplications
self—assembled monoiayers
2.1 introduction
2.2 monolayers of fatty acids
2.3 monolayers of organosilicon derivatives
2.4 monolayers of alkanethiolates on metal and semiconductor surfaces
2.5 self—assembled monolayers containing aromatic groups
2.6 conclusions
partⅱ: analysis of film and surfaceproperties
spectroscopic ellipsometry
3.1 introduction and overview
3.2 theory of ellipsometry
3.3 instrumentation
3.4 determination of optical properties
analysis of single eliipsometric spectra: direct inversion methods
analysis of single ellipsometric spectra: least— squares regression analysis method
analysis of multiple ellipsometric spectra
3.5 determination of thin film structure
thickness determination for monolayers
microstructural evolution in thick film growth
3.6 future prospects
infrared spectroscopyin the characterization of organic thin films
4.1 introduction
specific needs for characterizing organic thin films
general prinaples and capabilities of infrared spectroscopy for surface and thin film analysis
4.2 quantitative aspects
electromagnetic fields in thin film structures
4.3 the infrared spectroscopic experiment
general instrumentation
experimental modes
additional aspects
4.4 examples of applications
self—assembled monolayers on gold by external reflection
octadecylsiloxane monolayers on sio2 bytransmission
langmuir—blodgett films on nonmetallic substrates by external reflection
raman spectroscopic characterization of organic thin films
5.1 introduction
5.2 fundamentalsoframan spectroscopy
5.3 instrumentaiconsiderations
5.4 raman spectroscopic approaches for the characterization oforganicthin films
integrated opticaiwaveguide raman spectroscopy (iowrs)
total internal reflection raman spectroscopy
surface enhanced raman scattering
normal raman spectroscopy
resonance raman spectroscopy
plasmon surface polariton enhanced raman spectroscopy
fouriertransform raman spectroscopy
waveguide surface coherent anti—stokes raman spectroscopy(wscars)
5.5 selected examples of thin film analyses
raman spectral characterization of langmuir—blodgett layers of arachidate and stearate salts
raman spectral characterization of self—assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on metals
surface enhanced resonance raman spectral characterization of langmuir—blodgett layers of phthalocyanines
5.6 prospects for raman spectroscopic characterization of thin films
surface potential
6.1 introduction
6.2 origins of the contact potential difference and surface potential
the work function
contact potential difference and surface potential
surface potential changes induced by adsorbates
6.3 measurement of surface potential

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