化工热力学导论-(原著第七版)-(英文改编版)作者:江振西 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787122197894 定价:99.0 出版时间:2014-08-01 出版社:化学工业出版社 |
化工热力学导论-(原著第七版)-(英文改编版) 本书特色
smith教授等编著的《化工热力学导论》是世界化工领域影响*大、发行范围*广的化工热力学教材。本书是根据英文原版书《化工热力学导论》第7版改编。 改编书选取了原书前13章,内容涵盖了化学工程师专业教育所必需的内容。全书主要内容包括以下几个方面:热力学基本概念和基本定律、纯流体的pvt性质、热效应、纯流体的热力学性质、热力学在流动过程中的应用、热力做功、制冷、汽液平衡、溶液热力学理论和应用以及化学反应平衡。这13章内容可以分为三部分:热力学和化学热力学基础,包括第1-6章;热力学在工业过程中的应用,包括第7-9章;热力学在化学过程中的应用,包括第10-13章。书中给出了大量既有理论意义,又切合工业实际的例题,并配有大量来自工业实践的习题。 全书行文流畅、图表丰富、通俗易懂。可作为化学工程与工艺专业以及其他相关专业的化工热力学教科书,也可以作为相关专业研究人员,工程设计和生产管理技术人员的重要参考书,也可以用作化工专业英语的教材或选读材料。
化工热力学导论-(原著第七版)-(英文改编版) 目录
list of symbolspreface
chapter 1 introduction
1.1 the scope of thermodynamics
1.2 dimensions and units
1.3 measures of amount or size
1.4 force
1.5 temperature
1.6 pressure
1.7 work
1.8 energy
1.9 heat
key notes
glossary and explanations
conceptual problems
chapter 2 the first law and other basic concepts
2.1 joule’s experiments
2.2 internal energy
2.3 the first law of thermodynamics
2.4 energy balance for closed systems
2.5 thermodynamic state and state functions
2.6 equilibrium
2.7 the phase rule
2.8 the reversible process
2.9 constant-v and constant-p processes
2.10 enthalpy
2.11 heat capacity
2.12 mass and energy balances for open systems
key notes
glossary and explanations
conceptual problems
chapter 3 volumetric properties of pure fluids
3.1 pvt behavior of pure substances
3.2 virial equations of state
3.3 the ideal gas
3.4 application of the virial equations
3.5 cubic equations of state
3.6 generalized correlations for gases
3.7 generalized correlations for liquids
key notes
glossary and explainations
conceptual problems
chapter 4 heat effects
4.1 sensible heat effects
4.2 latent heats of pure substances
4.3 standard heat of reaction
4.4 standard heat of formation
4.5 standard heat of combustion
4.6 temperature dependence of δh
4.7 heat effects of industrial reactions
key notes
glossary and explainations
conceptual problems
chapter 5 the second law of thermodynamics
5.1 statements of the second law
5.2 heat engines
5.3 thermodynamic temperature scales
5.4 entropy
5.5 entropy changes of an ideal gas
5.6 mathematical statement of the second law
5.7 entropy balance for open systems
5.8 calculation of ideal work
5.9 lost work
5.10 the third law of thermodynamics
key notes
glossary and explainations
conceptual problems
chapter 6 thermodynamic properties of fluids
6.1 property relations for homogeneous phases
6.2 residual properties
6.3 residual properties by equations of state
6.4 two-phase systems
6.5 thermodynamic diagrams
6.6 tables of thermodynamic properties
6.7 generalized property correlations for gases
key notes
glossary and explainations
conceptual problems
chapter 7 applications of thermodynamics to flow processes
7.1 duct flow of compressible fluids
7.2 turbines (expanders)
7.3 compression processes
key notes
glossary and explainations
conceptual problems
chapter 8 production of power from heat
8.1 the steam power plant
8.2 internal-combustion engines
8.3 jet engines,rocket engines and ramjet engines
key notes
glossary and explainations
工业技术 化学工业 高分子化合物工业(高聚物工业)
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