中国的环境问题:多学科的视角:the perspective of multi-disciplines
中国的环境问题:多学科的视角:the perspective of multi-disciplines作者:李宇军,[日]中尾正义主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787513008686 定价:30.0 出版时间:2012-01-01 出版社:知识产权出版社 |
中国的环境问题:多学科的视角:the perspective of multi-disciplines 内容简介
中国的环境问题:多学科的视角:the perspective of multi-disciplines 目录
1 opportunities and challenges for china's environmentalprotection industry in northeast asia-2 characters of environmental sensitivity andpro-environmental behavior in main east asian cities3 the unexpectedly vicious cycle of oases and waterresources-4 oral history of the natural environment--the case of theejine river in inner mongolia, china5 water resource in the uppermost basin of heihe (blackriver) in inland china: a relationship between natural and socialenvironment-6 nature, agriculture and society of middle of theheihe7 history of human induced erosion in the chinese loessplateau: a hypothesis8 china urban sustainable development studies: theperspective of resources and environment9 an analysis on the survey of beijing residents' awareness andbehavior of garbage classification10 sustainable subsistence of mankind is the condition forsustainable development
工业技术 环境科学 环境科学基础理论
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