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岩土材料质量分布与变形之间的相互作用原理 本书特色


岩土材料质量分布与变形之间的相互作用原理 目录

PrefaceChapter 1 Introduction to Continuum Mechanics1.1 The definition of a continuum1.2 Deformation1.3 Stress1.4 Velocity fields1.5 The classical conservation laws and field equations1.5.1 Lagrange and Euler descriptions of the motion of a continuum1.5.2 The equation of continuity1.5.3 The equations of motion1.5.4 Moment of momentumChapter 2 Fundamentals of Thermodynamics2.1 Introduction2.2 Basic concepts of thermodynamics2.3 Temperature and the zeroth law of thermodynamics2.4 Energy2.5 The first law of thermodynamics2.6 The second law of thermodynamics2.7 Reversible and irreversible processes2.8 Entropy and Clausius-Duhem inequality2.9 Internal variables and accompanying equilibrium stateChapter 3 Fundamental Characteristics of Deformation Behavior for Geotechnical Materials3.1 Introduction3.2 Pressure sensitivity3.3 Shear dilatancy3.4 Dependency of stress pathChapter 4 Constitutive Modeling for Geotechnical Materials4.1 Introduction4.2 The plastic potential theory4.3 The approach based on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes4.4 The critical state and critical state line4.4.1 Critical state4.4.2 Critical state lineChapter 5 The Principleof Interaction between Plastic Volumetric and Shear Strains5.1 Background5.2 The principle of interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains5.3 Effects of the plastic shear strain on plastic volumetric strains5.4 Effects of the plastic volumetric strain on plastic shear strains5.5 The physical meaning of the principle of interactionChapter 6 The Mechanism of Generation of Dependency of Stress Path and Critical State Line6.1 The dependency of stress path6.2 The rotational hardening6.3 The critical state lineChapter 7 The Constitutive Equations for Geotechnical Materials7.1 The objective of constitutive modeling7.2 Quantitative representation of the interaction between plastic volumetric and shear strains7.3 Thermodynamic variables and state potential7.4 Dissipation functional7.5 The constitutive equations for geotechnical materialsChapter 8 Damages of Engineering and Geotechnical Materials8.1 The mechanism of damage of metals and some engineering materials8.2 The damage of geotechnical materials8.3 The description of damage evolutionChapter 9 The Numerical Method of Constitutive Modeling for Geotechnical Materials9.1 Introduction9.2 The numerical method of constitutive modeling9.3 Plasticity-based models for clay and sand under different stress paths9.4 Concluding remarksReferences

岩土材料质量分布与变形之间的相互作用原理 节选

《岩土材料质量分布与变形之间的相互作用原理(英文版)》主要内容简介:Rock and soil are the major constituent materials of the lithosphere of the earth. They are also the most widely used engineering materials. Rock and soil exhibit some remarkable characteristics of deformation and strength behavior, such as the pressure sensitivity(or pressure dependency), shear dilatancy, dependency of stress path etc. The two phenomena of pressure sensitivity and shear dilatancy have long been known by people. However, their origin of generation is not explained rationally yet.

岩土材料质量分布与变形之间的相互作用原理 相关资料

插图:Loading may induce strain hardening, whereas unloading or reloading only re-sults in elastic deformation. The loading-unloading-reloading process can be de-scribed by means of a family of yield surfaces with a hardening parameter.However, it is frequently observed in geotechnical structures that even undermonotonic loading conditions, the stress paths with different directions can alsoinduce different plastic responses of geotechnical materials. Now the fact thatthe response of geotechnical materials is dependent upon the stress path has beenrecognized by most of investigators and engineers. However, there are differentopinions about its origin of creation, for example, some researchers attribute thedependency of stress path to anisotropy, inelasticity and dependence of history ofmaterials (e.g., see (wood, 1990)), others believe that it is due to the cross effectsof the mean normal stress and deviator stress(e.g., see (Sun et al., 1987)).The stress paths that are actually followed by soil elements in various geotech-nical structures, such as tunnel, slope, deep foundation etc., are quite different.Some typical cases of stress paths encountered in practical geotechnical engi-neering will be presented as follows.

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