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弹性力学 节选

《弹性力学(英文版)》内容简介:The purpose of this book is to introduce the basic knowledge about the classic elasticity theories and the associated research achievements by the authors. The whole book is constructed on the basis of the course syllabuses and the con-tents of elasticity used in the past few years at Beijing Institute of Technology, China and the University of Manchester,UK. In order to meet the requirement of bilingual pedagogic development in higher education, and with reference to some classic textbooks on elasticity and newly-obtained teaching and learning outputs, such a content arrangement of this book can currently be more appropriate and convenient for readers to study elasticity under the dual-language environment.By reading this book as well as other relevant Chinese-version textbooks, the readers should be able to com-mand the fundamental knowledge of elasticity, comprehend some related standard technical terms and enhance their level of professional English. The book is intended for senior undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students,especially for engineering mechanics students, of higher education engineering institutes. It can also be consideredas an English reference for engineers, researchers and novices.

弹性力学 相关资料

插图:Small (infinitesimal) deformation is always assumed in Elasticity. Because or-tlals, mglaerterms of deformation (gradients of displacements) are negligible relative to non-vanishing lowerorder terms. Also when equilibrium conditions are established, changes in geometry of the object asa result of deformation can be ignored. It is reasonable in most engineering applications when the deformation is very small relative to a relevant dimension of the object. The geometrical linearity is hence applicable and linear superposition and a wide range of series and transform tectmiques canbe used.


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自然科学 力学


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