简明系统相变-(影印版)作者:斯米尔诺夫 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301227114 定价:44.0 出版时间:2013-07-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
简明系统相变-(影印版) 本书特色
《phase transitions of simple systems简单系统相变(影印版)》是从微观理论入手来讨论的,试图给予大块物质和小系统的相变一个统一的理论基础。这是一本关于小系统相和相变的专著。利用用简单但具有实质物理意义的模型,本书讨论了刚性晶体、玻璃和液态简相变发生的缘由。本书还讨论了相平衡的出现,以及大块性质如何从小系统的性质中演生出。本书适合热力学、统计物理、凝聚态物理领域,乃至所有对相变问题感兴趣的研究者和研究生阅读。
简明系统相变-(影印版) 内容简介
《简单系统相变(影印版)》是从斯普林格出版社引进的影印版图书。相变无疑是现代物理的核心概念之一。它几乎关系到物理学的所有研究方向。本书的作者是在相变领域有丰富研究经验,在世界上享有盛誉的著名科学家。他们的研究深度以及讲述技巧使得本书兼具学术上的深厚内涵和较强的可读性。本书值得所有在物理学界工作的读者阅读。 《phase transitions of simple systems简单系统相变(影印版)》是从斯普林格出版社引进的影印版图书。相变无疑是现代物理的核心概念之一。它几乎关系到物理学的所有研究方向。本书的作者是在相变领域有丰富研究经验,在世界上享有盛誉的著名科学家。他们的研究深度以及讲述技巧使得本书兼具学术上的深厚内涵和较强的可读性。本书值得所有在物理学界工作的读者阅读。
简明系统相变-(影印版) 目录
introductionpart i thermodynamics of ensembles of classical particles
1 excitations in simple atomic ensembles
1.1 thermodynamics and dynamics of particle ensembles
1.2 interaction of inert gas atoms
1.3 similarity law for simple atomic ensembles
1.4 evolution of particle ensembles
1.5 voids as elementary configurational excitations
2 structures of ensembles of interacting particles
2.1 close-packed structures
2.2 shells in close-packed structures
2.3 lennard-jones crystal
2.4 morse crystal
2.5 surface energy of lennard-jones and morse crystals
2.6 solid and liquid inert gases near the triple point
3 thermodynamics of dense gases and liquids
3.1 equation of state for an ensemble of randomly distributed particles
3.2 equilibrium of gas and condensed states
3.3 liquid surface parameters
3.4 peculiarities of similarity for inert gases
3.5 scaling law for molecular systems
4 clusters with short-range interaction
4.1 configurations of solid clusterswith pairwise atomic interactions
4.2 peculiarities of close-packed clusterswith short-range interaction
4.3 constructing fcc-clusters with short-rangeinteraction
4.4 growth of fcc clusters with short-range atomic interaction
4.5 regular clusters of close-packed structures
4.6 icosahedral clusters
4.7 competition of icosahedral and close-packed structures
5 ensembles of classical particles with repulsion
5.1 thermodynamics of ensembles of repelling particles
5.2 a system of hard spheres
5.3 colloid suspensions as systems of repelling particles
5.4 virial theorem and instability of crystal structure
5.5 phase transition for an ensemble of repelling atoms
5.6 phase transitions in inert gases under high pressure
5.7 structures of an ensemble of repelling particles at low temperatures
自然科学 物理学 理论物理学
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