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重正化群理论-对实验磁学的影响-(影印版) 本书特色

磁学的自旋波理论和超导的bcs理论是典型的重整化理论之前的理论。这两个理论都只考虑了原子论的(离散化的)相互作用而没有考虑连续固体的能量自由度。从kenneth g. wilson(1982年诺贝尔奖得主)的先驱工作开始,我们知道了连续固体的一个特殊的的对称性:长度标度变换不变性。 本书综述了近50年来固体物理的实验,并用唯象的方式指出磁序和普通超导的动力学出现主要受连续固体的场论粒子而不是磁子或cooper对的控制。在磁序中相关的粒子称作gsw玻色子,在超导里相关的粒子称作sc玻色子。 本书适合凝聚态、材料科学和粒子物理等领域的研究者和研究生阅读。

重正化群理论-对实验磁学的影响-(影印版) 内容简介


重正化群理论-对实验磁学的影响-(影印版) 目录

1 introduction2 history of conventional spin wave theory  2.1 theoretical and experimental confusions  2.2 problems with the macroscopic magnetization3 basic issues of renormalization group (rg) theory  3.1 dynamics of non magnetic solids  3.2 dynamics of ordered magnets4 universality  4.1 non-magnetic solids  4.2 ordered magnets5 microscopic processes6 non-relevant magnons7 crossover phenomena  7.1 amplitude crossover (ac)  7.2 quantum state crossover (qs)  7.3 crossover between stable fixed points (sfp)  7.4 symmetry crossover (sc)  7.5 dimensionality crossover (dc)8 metastability of universality classes9 relevant and non-relevant interactions10 temperature dependence of the magnon excitation spectra11 magnetic heat capacity  11.1 nonrelevant magnetic heat capacity for t→o  11.2 relevant magnetic heat capacity for t→o12 experimental verification of gsw bosons13 magnets with and without magnon gap (goldstone mode)  13.1 isotropic magnets with half-integer spin (t2 universality class)  13.2 isotropic magnets with integer spin (t9/2 universality class)  13.3 two-dimensional magnets with half-integer spin (t3/2 universality class)  13.4 two-dimensional magnets with integer spin (t2 universality class)  13.5 one-dimensional magnets with half-integer spin (t5/2 universality class)  13.6 one-dimensional magnets with integer spin (t3 universality class)  13.7 field dependence of the classical magnon spectrum14 microscopic details: spin structure, site disorder, two order parameters15 the critical magnetic behaviour  15.1 isotropic 3d magnets with half-integer spin (t2 universality class)  15.2 anisotropic 3d magnets with half-integer spin (t3/2 universality class)  15.3 isotropic 3d magnets with integer spin (t9/2 universality class)  15.4 anisotropic 3d magnets with integer spin (t2 universality class)  15.5 amorphous ferromagnets  15.6 two-dimensional magnets  15.7 one-dimensional magnets16 thermal lattice expansion and magnetostriction  16.1 spontaneous magnetostriction  16.2 thermal lattice expansion of non-magnetic solids17 the total energy content18 superconductivity  18.1 superconducting heat capacity  18.2 superconducting excitation gap  18.3 problems with landau's order parameter concept19 conclusionsreferencesindex

重正化群理论-对实验磁学的影响-(影印版) 作者简介

(德)克布勒(U. Kobler)(德)霍泽(A.Hoser),德国于利希研究中心研究员。


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