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波浪.海床和结构物相互作用:模拟.过程及应用(英文版) 内容简介


波浪.海床和结构物相互作用:模拟.过程及应用(英文版) 目录

1 Overview
1.2Recent Advances in Theoretical Models for Wave-Seabed Interactions(WSIs)
1.2.1An Overview of Theoretical Models
1.2.2Simplified Models
1.2.3Biot's Poro-Elastic Models for Oscillatory Mechanism
1.2.4Inelastic Models for Residual Mechanism
1.2.5Poro-Elastoplastic Models
1.2.6Waves Propagating over a Porous Seabed: Wave Damping and Seepage Flux
1.3Recent Advances in Wave-Induced Seabed Instability
1.3.1Shear Failure
1.4Recent Advances in Physical Modeling
1.4.1Wave Flume Experiments
1.4.2Compressive Tests
1.4.3Centrifugal Wave Experiment
1.5Recent Advances in Field Measurements
1.6Recent Advances in Wave-Seabed-Structure Interactions (WSSIs)
1.6.4Other Foundations
1.7Challenges in Future Studies
2 Basic Seabed Mechanisms
2.2Wave Models
2.2.1Linear Wave Model
2.2.2Fully Non-Linear Wave Models
2.3Wave-Induced Oscillatory Soil Response
2.3.1Yamamoto-Madsen Model
2.3.2Okusa (1985b) Model
2.3.3Mei-Foda (1981) Model
2.3.4u-p Approach
2.3.5u-U Approach
2.3.6Discussions: Comparisons and Validation of the Models
2.4Wave-Induced Residual Soil Response
2.4.11D Seed-Rahman Model
2.4.22D Seed-Rahman Model
2.4.3Poro-Elastoplastic Seabed Model
2.5Progressive Nature of Wave-Induced Liquefaction
2.5.1Two-Layered Fluid Systems
2.5.2Poro-Elastoplastic Soil Model for Progressive Liquefaction
2.6Solitary Wave over a Sloping Seabed
2.6.1Theoretical Model
2.6.2Comparison with Previous Works
2.6.3Results and Discussions
2.7Coupled Model for Wave-Seabed Interactions
3 Soil Response in Marine Sediments under Combined Loading of Waves and Currents
3.2Flow Models for Wave-Current Interaction
3.2.1Analytical Solution: Third-Order Approximation of Wave-Current Interactions
3.2.2Numerical Models of Wave-Current Interactions
3.3Seabed Model
3.3.1Boundary Value Problem
3.3.2Analytical Solutions and Numerical Models
3.3.3Treatment of Lateral Boundary Conditions
3.4.1Effects of Currents
3.4.2Seabed Liquefaction under Combined Wave and Current Loading
4 Integrated Model of Wave-Seabed Interactions around Caisson-Type Breakwaters
4.2Theoretical Model
4.2.1Wave Model
4.2.2Seabed Model
4.2.3Integration of Wave and Seabed Models
4.3Validation of the Model
4.3.1Lu's (2005) Experiment: Progressive Waves
4.3.2Tsai and Lee's (1995) Experiment: Standing Wave
4.3.3Mizutani and Mostafa's (1998) Experiment: Submerged Breakwater
4.3.4Mostafa et al.'s (1999) Experiment: Composite Breakwater
4.4Application 1: Seabed Response around Composite Breakwater under Ocean Wave Loading
4.4.1Consolidation of Seabed under Composite Breakwater and Static Water Pressure
4.4.2Dynamic Response of a Seabed
4.4.3Wave-Induced Momentary Liquefaction
4.5Application II: Water Waves over Permeable Submerged Breakwaters with Bragg Reflection
4.5.1Numerical Example Configuration
4.5.2Comparison with Experiments (Cho et al. 2004)
4.5.3Pore-Water Pressures
4.5.4Vertical Effective Stresses
4.5.5Liquefaction Potential
4.6Application III: Wave-Induced Dynamic Response in the Vicinity of a
Breakwater on a Sloping Seabed
4.6.1Wave-Seabed-Breakwater Interactions
4.6.2Wave-Induced Residual Liquefaction
5 Mechanics of Wave-Seabed-Pipeline Interactions
5.2Theoretical Formulations
5.2.1Wave Model
5.2.2Seabed Model
5.2.3Integration of Wave and Seabed Models
5.3Validations of Theoretical Models
5.4Oscillatory Soil Response around a Fully Buried Pipeline
5.4.1Oscillatory Soil Response in a Non-Homogeneous Seabed

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自然科学 地球科学 海洋学


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