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作者:(英)托马斯-尼尔森公司 著

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英国语文-(上下册)-英汉双语版 本书特色

  《英国语文》是英语国家学生曾经使用的经典阅读读本,国内学生提升英语阅读水平的优秀素材!配套网上免费下载纯正英文朗读,在英语阅读中感受西方文化的魅力!《英国语文》是一套编写体例严谨,选文内容丰富的阅读教材,对国内中小学生及英语阅读爱好者,尤其是出国留学者尤为有用!   关于本书   《英国语文》这套书原名《皇家读本》(the royal readers),是20世纪初期英国使用的一套经典教材。为了帮助读者更好地学习和使用,出版者特意翻译和出版了此中英双语版的 《英国语文》,分上下册。从文章所涉内容来看,包括有故事、童话、传记、诗歌、旅游、历险、历史、自然、科学等。这些选文,体现了英国丰富的历史文化知识和西方国家的道德价值观念。是中国学生学习英语、全面了解西方社会的很好途径。加强原文阅读,是提高英语阅读水平的*好途径之一。相信《英国语文》读本,能让读者深受其益。读者可以根据此书封面上的博客地址,下载到配套的英文朗读。   the royal readers were edited and published by the famous british publisher and used in schools until well into the 20th century. they are edited as six books in the royal school series. students progressed from the very easy lessons to classic readers. the lessons in this bilingual edition are selections from the original six-volume edition, beginning with similarly easy lessons, consisted of rhymes and simple short stories with plenty of illustrations for young learners. more literature masterpieces, geography knowledge and history events are introduced in the whole book.

英国语文-(上下册)-英汉双语版 内容简介

  继《美国语文》之后的另一套经典原版教材,   了解英国人文历史、欣赏英国文学的优秀读本   继英文原版的《英国语文》面市热销后,全新改版的《英国语文》中英双语版经典依旧。在充满趣味的英语故事与优美的英国文学相融中,让国内学生更好地感悟英国历史文化,同时结合配套英文朗读,让学生真正学好英语这门语言。无论是作为英语学习的课本,还是作为提高英语水平的课外读物,这套书都极有价值。   this set of english readers published in the beginning of 20th century was ever popularly used in the western schools. it has been constructed with a view to induce children to take a real interest in what they read, and to make them delight to exercise their power of reading.   great use has therefore been made of the objects of natural history, and of the incidents and common things of daily life, by which children are most likely to be attracted.   good reading is more readily acquired by practice than by precept. the more children read, they will read the more fluently, intelligently, and gracefully.

英国语文-(上下册)-英汉双语版 目录

01 the hoop  滚铁环
02 the bird’s nest  鸟 巢
03 the little milk-maid  挤奶的小姑娘
04 the swing  秋 千
05 going for a drive  赶马车
06 lucy and her kitten  露西和小猫
07 the cat and the mouse  猫和老鼠
08 tom and his dog  汤姆与狗
09 the sheep and the lamb  绵羊和羊羔
10 the hen and its chicks  母鸡和小鸡
11 the bird and its nest  鸟和鸟巢
12 the cow on the grass  草地上的牛
13 the old man and the dog  老人与狗
14 morning and night  早与晚
15 the pet bird  家养的鸟
16 a week at the farm  农场一周
17 the owl  猫头鹰
18 the pet goat  家养的山羊
19 the storm  风 暴
20 the great jump  鲁莽的一跳
21 frisk and ned  蹦蹦和尼德
22 the lark  云 雀
23 mary’s little lamb  玛丽的小羊羔
24 count ten  数到十
25 my dog dash  小狗冲冲
26 the boy that liked play ( i )  爱玩的男孩(一)
27 the boy that liked play ( ⅱ )  爱玩的男孩(二)
28 forgive  原 谅
29 spring  春 天
30 rain  雨
31 north, south, east, west  东西南北
32 a visit to the blacksmith’s shop  参观铁匠铺

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中小学教辅 拓展读物
