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常春藤英语-下-五级 本书特色


常春藤英语-下-五级 目录

1 micro the metal dog (1)
2 micro the metal dog (2)
3 charlotte’s web
4 hunted down
5 new year’s celebration
6 the devil and tom walker (1)
7 the devil and tom walker (2)
8 the war of the eggs (excerpt)
9 the ghost ship
10 the true story of pocahontas (1)
11 the true story of pocahontas (2)
12 the american family
13 crazy horse (1)
14 crazy horse (2)
15 chief seattle’s statement
16 from trash to treasure
17 asian—americans
18 american’s newcomer
19 martin luther king (1)
20 martin luther king (2)
21 search for extraterrestrial life—seti
22 growing pains
23 my friend, mandela (1)
24 my friend, mandela (2)
25 fairies
26 treasure island: my sea adventure (1)
27 treasure island: my sea adventure (2)
28 the legend of johnny appleseed
29 the ugly duckling (excerpt)
30 alien at school: aliens (excerpt)
31 cinderella (excerpt)
32 never underestimate your power
33 the frankenstein (excerpt)
34 the great silent majority
35 washington square: doctor sloper (excerpt)
36 three days to see (excerpt)
37 jellyfish shoes
38 the value of time
39 seeking pleasure from hobby
40 the old man and the sea (excerpt)
41 stick to his resolution of honest life
42 the wind in the willows (1)—the wild wood
43 the wind in the willows (2)—the wild wood
44 the call of the wild (1)
45 the call of the wild (2)
46 yahoo!—a guide to everything (1)
47 yahoo!—a guide to everything (2)
48 vesuvius
49 hurricane katrina
50 madonna (1)
51 madonna (2)
52 round the world in eighty days (1)
53 round the world in eighty days (2)
54 black beauty
55 the secret garden
56 robinson crusoe (1)
57 robinson crusoe (2)

常春藤英语-下-五级 作者简介

聂成军,教育硕士,中学高级教师。现任北京市海淀区教师进修学校教研员、英语教研室主任。中央电教馆、教育部课程与教材发展中心特聘专家;北京教育考试院高考试题评价专家组成员、自主会考试题评价组组长;北京教育学院特聘英语骨干教师培训导师;海淀区教委名师工作站英语学科组导师;北师大版高中英语教材编者之一。   刘岩,硕士,海淀区骨干教师。 数篇论文发表于中文核心期刊《中小学外语教学》,《中小学英语教学与研究》,分获北京市2009-2010、2011-2012学年度基础教育科学研究优秀论文一等奖。北京市“十一五”规划立项课题《初中学生英语课外简易读物与词汇搭配学习的行动研究》课题负责人,已结项。


中小学教辅 九年级/初三 英语


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