拉封丹寓言-(全二册)-[名著双语读物.中文导读+英文原版]作者:拉封丹 开 本:其它 书号ISBN:9787302414223 定价: 出版时间:2016-02-01 出版社:清华大学出版社 |
拉封丹寓言-(全二册)-[名著双语读物.中文导读+英文原版] 本书特色
《拉封丹寓言》大多取材于古希腊、罗马和古印度的寓言,以及中世纪和十七世纪西方的民间故事,它是世界上影响*大的三大寓言故事集之一。 “乌鸦和狐狸”、“狼和小羊”、“知了和蚂蚁”、“龟兔赛跑”、“狮子和老鼠”和“冒充羊倌的狼”等脍炙人口的故事伴随了一代又一代人的美丽童年、少年直至成年。该书自首次出版三百多年以来,至今被译成世界上几乎所有的文字,并不断地被改编成漫画、动画片、儿童剧等。本书选用其中*著名的英文译本之一,收录了全部寓言故事12卷共240篇,并配以法国著名画家古斯塔夫·多雷的插画。
拉封丹寓言-(全二册)-[名著双语读物.中文导读+英文原版] 内容简介
本书是名著双语读物系列丛书中的一种。作者让·德·拉封丹(jean de la fontaine,1621—1695),法国著名诗人,被誉为“法国的荷马”,他编著的《拉封丹寓言》与古希腊人伊索收集整理、编著的《伊索寓言》以及俄罗斯作家克雷洛夫(1769—1844)编著的《克雷洛夫寓言》并称为世界上影响*大的三大寓言故事集。
拉封丹寓言-(全二册)-[名著双语读物.中文导读+英文原版] 目录
上册 part ⅰ卷一 book 1. 31.知了和蚂蚁/the grasshopper and the ant 52.乌鸦和狐狸/the raven and the fox. 83.青蛙希望和牛一样大/the frog that wished to be as big as the ox. 94.两头骡子/the two mules. 115.狼和狗/the wolf and the dog. 146.小母牛、山羊、绵羊和狮子结成联盟/the heifer, the goat, and the sheep, in company withthe lion. 177.褡裢/the wallet 198.燕子和小鸟/the swallow and the little birds. 219.城里的老鼠和乡村的老鼠/the city rat and the country rat 2510.狼和小羊/the wolf and the lamb. 2811.男人和他的镜像/the man and his image. 3112.多头的龙和多尾巴的龙/the dragon with many heads, and the dragon withmany tails. 3313.盗贼和驴/the thieves and the ass. 3514.受神保护的西莫尼戴斯/simonides preserved by the gods. 3615.死神和不幸的人/death and the unfortunate. 4016.死神和樵夫/death and the woodman. 4217.一个男士和两位不同年龄的女士/the manbetween two ages, and histwo mistresses. 4518.狐狸和鹤/the fox and the stork. 4719.男孩和教师/the boy and the schoolmaster 4920.公鸡和珍珠/the cock and the pearl 5121.大黄蜂和蜜蜂/the hornets and the bees. 5222.橡树和芦苇/the oak and the reed. 54卷二 book 2. 571.斥爱挑剔的人/against the hard to suit 592.老鼠开会/the council held by the rats. 623.狼在猴子面前告狐狸/the wolf accusing the fox before the monkey. 654.两头公牛和青蛙/the two bulls and the frog. 675.蝙蝠和两只黄鼠狼/the bat and the two weasels. 696.受箭伤的鸟/the bird wounded by an arrow.. 717.母猎狗和她的朋友/the bitch and her friend. 72 8.鹰和甲壳虫/the eagle and the beetle. 749.狮子和蚊子/the lion and the gnat 7710.驮海绵的驴和驮盐的驴/the ass loaded with sponges, and the ass loadedwith salt 8011.狮子和老鼠/the lion and the rat 8212.鸽子和蚂蚁/the dove and the ant 8513.落井的占星家/the astrologer who stumbled into a well 8714.野兔和青蛙/the hare and the frogs. 9015.公鸡和狐狸/the cock and the fox. 9316.乌鸦想模仿鹰/the raven wishing to imitate the eagle. 9517.孔雀向朱诺发牢骚/the peacock complaining to juno. 9718.变成女人的猫/the cat metamorphosed into a woman. 10019.狮子和帮他打猎的驴/the lion and the ass hunting. 10220.由伊索来解释的遗嘱/the will explained by aesop. 104卷三 book 3. 1091.磨坊主父子和驴/the miller, his son, and the ass. 1112.四肢和胃/the members and the belly. 1163.冒充牧羊人的狼/the wolf turned shepherd. 119 4.青蛙想要一个国王/the frogs asking a king. 1225.狐狸和山羊/the fox and the goat 1256.鹰、野母猪和猫/the eagle, the wild sow, and the cat 1277.酒徒和他的老婆/the drunkard and his wife. 1308.痛风和蜘蛛/the gout and the spider 1329.狼和鹳/the wolf and the stork. 13510.被人打败的狮子/the lion beaten by the man. 13611.狐狸和葡萄/the fox and the grapes. 13712.天鹅和厨师/the swan and the cook. 13913.狼群和绵羊/the wolves and the sheep. 14114.年老的狮子/the lion grown old. 14415.菲罗墨拉和普洛克涅/philomel and progne. 14516.被溺死的女人/the woman drowned. 14817.在谷仓中的黄鼠狼/the weasel in the granary. 15018.猫和年迈的老鼠/the cat and the old rat 152卷四 book 4. 1571.恋爱中的狮子/the lion in love. 1592.牧羊人和海/the shepherd and the sea. 1633.苍蝇和蚂蚁/the fly and the ant 1664.园子的主人和他的领主/the gardener and his lord. 1695.驴和小狗/the ass and the little dog. 1726.老鼠与黄鼠狼之间的战争/the battle of the rats and the weasels. 1747.猴子和海豚/the monkey and the dolphin. 1778.男人和木制的神像/the man and the wooden god. 1809.饰有孔雀毛的鸟/the jay in the feathers of the peacock. 18210.骆驼和漂浮的木头/the camel and the floating sticks. 18311.青蛙和老鼠/the frog and the rat 18512.动物向亚历山大进贡/the animals sending tribute to alexander 18813.想向鹿复仇的马/the horse wishing to be revenged on the stag. 19214.狐狸和半身像/the fox and the bust 19415.狼、山羊和山羊的孩子/the wolf, the goat, and the kid. 19516.狼、母亲和她的孩子/the wolf, the mother, and her child. 19717.苏格拉底的话/the words of socrates. 20018.老人和他的孩子们/the old man and his sons. 20119.神谕和无神论者/the oracle and the atheist 20420.失去财宝的守财奴/the miser who had lost his treasure. 20621.主人的眼睛/the eye of the master 21022.云雀和她的孩子们以及麦田的主人/the larkand her young ones with the owner of a field. 214卷五 book 5. 2191.樵夫和墨丘利/the woodman and mercury. 2212.瓦罐和铁罐/the earthen pot and the iron pot 2263.小鱼和渔夫/the little fish and the fisher 2284.野兔的耳朵/the ears of the hare. 2315.被切去尾巴的狐狸/the fox with his tail cut off. 2336.老妇人和她的两个仆人/the old woman and her two servants. 2357.萨梯和旅行者/the satyr and the traveller 2388.马和狼/the horse and the wolf. 2409.农夫和他的孩子们/the ploughman and his sons. 24410.大山分娩/the mountain in labour 24611.命运之神和男孩/fortune and the boy. 24712.医生/the doctors. 25013.下金蛋的母鸡/the hen with the golden eggs. 25214.驮神像的驴/the ass carrying relics. 25415.鹿和葡萄树/the stag and the vine. 25516.毒蛇和锉刀/the serpent and the file. 25817.野兔和山鹑/the hare and the partridge. 26018.鹰和猫头鹰/the eagle and the owl 26219.出征的狮子/the lion going to war 26520.熊和两个同伴/the bear and the two companions. 26721.披着狮皮的驴/the ass dressed in the lion’s skin. 271卷六 book 6. 2731.牧羊人和狮子/the shepherd and the lion. 2752.狮子和猎人/the lion and the hunter 2783.太阳和北风/phoebus and boreas. 2804.朱庇特和农夫/jupiter and the farmer 2835.小公鸡、猫和小老鼠/the cockerel, the cat, and the young mouse. 2856.狐狸、猴子和其他动物们/the fox, the monkey, and the animals. 2887.吹嘘家世的骡子/the mule boasting of his genealogy. 2908.老人和驴/the old man and the ass. 2919.以水为镜的鹿/the stag seeing himself in the water 29310.龟兔赛跑/the hare and the tortoise. 29611.驴和它的主人/the ass and his masters. 29812.太阳和青蛙/the sun and the frogs. 30013.农夫和蛇/the countryman and the serpent 30214.患病的狮子和狐狸/the sick lion and the fox. 30515.捕鸟人、鹰和百灵鸟/the fowler, the hawk, and the lark. 30816.马和驴/the horse and the ass. 31017.弃物追影的狗/the dog that dropped the substance forthe shadow.. 31118.陷入泥潭的车夫/the carter in the mire. 31219.吹牛的人/the charlatan. 31520.不和女神/discord. 31821.年轻的寡妇/the young widow.. 320卷七 book 7. 3251.患瘟疫的动物/the animals sick of the plague. 3272.不幸的婚姻/the ill-married. 3323.隐居的老鼠/the rat retired from the world. 3354.苍鹭/the heron. 3375.少女/the maid. 3406.愿望/the wishes. 344 7.狮子的宫廷/the lion’s court 3478.秃鹫与鸽子/the vultures and the pigeons. 3509.马车和苍蝇/the coach and the fly. 35310.卖牛奶的女人和奶罐/the dairywoman and the pot of milk. 35511.神父与死尸/the curate and the corpse. 35912.追求幸福女神的人和卧床等幸福女神的人/the man who ran after fortune, and the man who waitedfor her in his bed. 36113.两只公鸡/the two cocks. 36614.人对幸福女神的忘恩和不道义/the ingratitude and injustice of men towards fortune. 36915.算卦的女人/the fortune-tellers. 37216.猫、黄鼠狼和小兔子/the cat, the weasel, and the young rabbit 37517.蛇头和蛇尾/the head and the tail of the serpent 37818.一只月亮里的动物/an animal in the moon. 380下册 part ⅱ卷八 book 8. 3871.死神和将死的人/death and the dying. 3892.补鞋匠和金融家/the cobbler and the financier 3923.狮子、狼和狐狸/the lion, the wolf, and the fox. 3964.寓言的力量/the power of fables. 400 5.人和跳蚤/the man and the flea. 4046.女人和秘密/the women and the secret 4057.帮主人带着食物的狗/the dog that carried his master’s dinner 4078.爱开玩笑的人和鱼/the joker and the fishes. 4109.老鼠和牡蛎/the rat and the oyster 41210.熊和业余园丁/the bear and the amateur gardener 41411.两个朋友/the two friends. 41812.公猪、山羊和绵羊/the hog, the goat, and the sheep. 42013.提尔西斯和阿玛朗特/thyrsis and amaranth. 42214.母狮的葬礼/the funeral of the lioness. 42715.老鼠和大象/the rat and the elephant 43116.占星/the horoscope. 43417.驴和狗/the ass and the dog. 43918.帕夏和商人/the pashaw and the merchant 44119.学问的用途/the use of knowledge. 44520.朱庇特和雷霆/jupiter and the thunderbolts. 44821.猎鹰和阉鸡/the falcon and the capon. 45122.猫和老鼠/the cat and the rat 45423.激流和河/the torrent and the river 45724.教育/education. 46025.两条狗和死驴/the two dogs and the dead ass. 46226.德谟克利特和阿布德拉人/democritus and the people of abdera. 46627.狼和猎人/the wolf and the hunter 469卷九 book 9. 4731.背信弃义的受托人/the faithless depositary. 4752.两只鸽子/the two doves. 4803.猴子和豹子/the monkey and the leopard. 4854.橡子和南瓜/the acorn and the pumpkin. 4885.小学生、教书先生和园主/the schoolboy, the pedant, and the owner of a garden. 4906.雕刻家和朱庇特的塑像/the sculptor and the statue of jupiter 4927.变成少女的老鼠/the mouse metamorphosed into a maid. 4948.出卖智慧的傻子/the fool who sold wisdom... 4989.牡蛎和诉讼人/the oyster and the litigants. 50110.狼和瘦狗/the wolf and the lean dog. 50411.不能过度/nothing too much. 50612.大蜡烛/the wax-candle. 50813.朱庇特和航海者/jupiter and the passenger 51014.猫和狐狸/the cat and the fox. 51315.丈夫、妻子和盗贼/the husband, the wife, and the thief. 51716.财富和两个人/the treasure and the two men. 51917.猴子和猫/the monkey and the cat 52218.鹞鹰和夜莺/the kite and the nightingale. 52519.牧羊人和他的羊群/the shepherd and his flock. 527卷十 book 10. 5291.两只老鼠、狐狸和禽蛋/the two rats, the fox, and the egg. 5312.人和毒蛇/the man and the adder 5423.乌龟和两只鸭子/the tortoise and the two ducks. 5474.鱼和鸬鹚/the fishes and the cormorant 5495.埋金的人和他的朋友/the burier and his comrade. 5536.狼和牧羊人/the wolf and the shepherds. 5567.蜘蛛和燕子/the spider and the swallow.. 5608.斑鸠和公鸡/the partridge and the cocks. 5629.被割去耳朵的狗/the dog whose ears were cropped. 56410.牧羊人和国王/the shepherd and the king. 56611.鱼和吹笛子的牧羊人/the fishes and the shepherd who played the flute. 57112.两只鹦鹉和国王父子/the two parrots, the king, and his son. 57513.母狮和熊/the lioness and the bear 57814.两个冒险者和护身符/the two adventurers and the talisman. 58015.兔子/the rabbits. 58516.商人、贵族、牧羊人和王子/the merchant,the noble, the shepherd, and the king’s son. 590卷十一 book 11. 5931.狮子/the lion. 5952.众神希望指导朱庇特的儿子/the gods wishing to instruct a son of jupiter 5993.农夫、狗和狐狸/the farmer, the dog, and the fox. 6024.莫卧儿人的梦/the mogul’s dream... 6065.狮子、猴子和两头驴/the lion, the monkey, and the two asses. 6096.狼和狐狸/the wolf and the fox. 6137.多瑙河畔的农夫/the peasant of the danube. 6168.一个老人和三个年轻人/the old man and the three young ones. 6219.老鼠和猫头鹰/the mice and the owl 625卷十二 book 12. 6291.尤利西斯的伙伴/the companions of ulysses. 6312.猫和两只麻雀/the cat and the two sparrows. 6373.守财奴和猴子/the miser and the monkey. 6394.两只山羊/the two goats. 6415.老猫和小老鼠/the old cat and the young mouse. 6446.病鹿/the sick stag. 6477.蝙蝠、荆棘和鸭子/the bat, the bush, and the duck. 6508.狗猫之争和猫鼠之争/the quarrel of the dogs and cats, and that of the cats and mice. 6529.狼和狐狸/the wolf and the fox. 65510.龙虾母女/the lobster and her daughter 65911.鹰和喜鹊/the eagle and the magpie. 66112.国王、鹞鹰和狩猎者/the king, the kite, and the falconer 66413.狐狸、苍蝇和刺猬/the fox, the flies, and the hedgehog. 66914.爱神和疯神/love and folly. 67115.乌鸦、羚羊、乌龟和老鼠/the raven, the gazelle, the tortoise,and the rat 67416.森林和樵夫/the woods and the woodman. 68017.狐狸、狼和马/the fox, the wolf, and the horse. 68318.狐狸和火鸡/the fox and the turkeys. 68519.猿猴/the ape. 68820.塞西亚的哲人/the scythian philosopher 68921.大象和朱庇特的猿猴/the elephant and the ape of jupiter 69122.傻子与圣人/the fool and the sage. 69423.英国狐狸/the english fox. 69624.太阳和青蛙/the sun and the frogs. 70125.老鼠联盟/the league of the rats. 70326.达佛涅斯和阿尔咯马杜勒/daphnis and alcimadure. 70727.仲裁者、施赈人和隐士/the arbiter, the almoner, and the hermit 713
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