
首页 > 图书 > 教材教辅/2020-10-03 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:赫贵祥 主编

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英语树·话题读写步步高·八年级 本书特色


英语树·话题读写步步高·八年级 目录

Topic 1 Individual and Family 个人与家人
Passage 1 Twin Sisters
Passage 2 The Spirit of Lei Feng
Passage 3 How to Keep a Secret?
Passage 4 Singer Zhang Jie
Topic 2 Relatives and Friends 亲戚与朋友
Passage ! A Bike
Passage 2 A Dress
Passage 3 My Uncle Jerry
Passage 4 My Best Friend
Topic 3 Community and Apartments 社区与住所
Passage 1 Our School
Passage 2 Strangers Came
Passage 3 CCTV Cameras Catch Action
Passage4 A Band-aid
Topic 4 Language and Learning 语言与学习
Passage t Who Did Tom's Homework?
Passage 2 How to Learn English
Passage 3 Learning a New Language Fast
Passage 4 Study in Groups
Topic 5 Interests and Hobbies 兴趣与爱好
Passage 1 Bringing Books to Life
Passage 2 A Computer Game
Passage 3 Coin Collecting
Passage 4 What Made Me Love Piano
Topic 6 Travel and Transport 旅游与交通
Passage 1 Visit Beijing
Passage 2 Vatican City
Passage 3 The Receipts on the Train
Passage 4 Dino's Diary
Topic 7 Recreation and Sports 文娱与体育
Passage 1 Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf
Passage 2 Li Yugang
Passage 3 Katie Spotz
Passage 4 CCTV
Topic 8 Diet and Hygiene 饮食与卫生
Passage 1 American Students’ Lunch Time
Passage 2 Eating a Different Diet
Passage 3 Homemade Chicken Soup
Passage 4 Healthy Teeth
Topic 9 Sports and Health 运动与健康
Topic 10 Energy and Environment 能源与环境
Topic 11 Festivals and Holidays 节日与假日
Topic 12 Cooperation and Communication 合作与交流
Topic 13 Weather and Dressing 天气与衣着
Topic 14 Man and Nature 人类与自然
Topic 15 Science and Communication 科普与通讯
Topic 16 History and Society 历史与社会
Topic 17 Culture and Custom 文化与习俗
Topic 18 Plans and Routines 计划与活动
答案与解析 英语树·话题读写步步高·八年级

中小学教辅 八年级 英语


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