
首页 > 图书 > 教材教辅/2020-09-28 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:李兰波,岑红霞 主编

开 本:16开





英语国家文化概况下 内容简介


英语国家文化概况下 目录

unit 6 etiquette and manne section a business etiquette 6.1 making an introduction 6.2 invitatio and replies 6.3 receiving and giving presents section b daily life etiquette 6.4 table manne 6.5 dating 6.6 apologies and requests unit 7 ways of living section a the uk 7.1 diet, housing and traportation 7.2 family life 7.3 leisure and recreation section b the us 7.4 diet, housing and traportation 7.5 family life 7.6 leisure and recreation section c canada, australia and new zealand 7.7 diet, housing and traportation 7.8 family life 7.9 leisure and recreation unit 8 holidays and festivals section a the uk 8.1 religious festivals 8.2 national holidays 8.3 local festivals section b the us 8.4 national holidays 8.5 four patriotic holidays 8.6 other holidays section c canada, australia and new zealand 8.7 national holidays in canada 8.8 national holidays in australia 8.9 national holidays in new zealand unit 9 tourist attractio section a famous cities 9.1 the uk 9.2 the us 9.3 canada, australia and new zealand section b historic and scenic spots 9.4 the uk 9.5 the us 9.6 canada, australia and new zealand section c industrial visiting 9.7 the uk 9.8 the us 9.9 canada, australia and new zealand unit 10 literature section a great write 10.1 the uk 10.2 the us 10.3 canada, australia and new zealand section b great works 10.4 the uk 10.5 the us 10.6 canada, australia and new zealand keys brief introduction of texts references 英语国家文化概况下

教材 高职高专教材


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