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土力学作者:缪林昌,王非 主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787502461492 定价: 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:冶金工业出版社 |
5.4.6 vertical stress due to a linearly increasing loadon a rectangular area
professional words
6 compression and consolidation of soil
6.1 introduction
6.2 compressibility of soils
6.2.1 one dimensional onsolidationtest
6.2.2 e-p curve
6.2.3 coefficient of volume compressibility mv
6.2.4 e-lg p curve and compressibility index
6.3 fundamentals of consolidation
6.3.1 immediate settlement calculation based on elastictheory
6.3.2 total settlement of foundation
6.4 terzaghi's theory of one-dimensional consolidation
6.4.1 terzaghi's theory of one-dimensionalconsolidation
6.4.2 average degree of consolidation
6.5 secondary consolidation
professional words
7 shear strength of soil
7.1 introduction
7.2 mohr-coulomb failure criterion
7.2.1 coulomb formula
7.2.2 mohr's circles & mohr's strength envelope
7.2.3 mohr-coulomb failure criteria
7.2.4 failure envelope
7.3 determination of shear strength parameters
7.3.1 testing types for shear strength
7.3.2 direct shear test
7.3.3 unconfined compression test
7.3.4 triaxial compression test
7.4 shear behaviour of sand
professional words
8 lateralearth pressure
8.1 introduction
8.2 at-rest, active, and passive earth pressure
8.3 earth pressure at-rest
8.4 rankine's earth pressure theory
8.4.1 rankine'sactive pressure
8.4.2 rankine's passive pressure
8.4.3 effect of ground water
8.4.4 effect of cohesive soil with horizontalbackfill
8.4.5 rankine active and passive pressure with slopingbackfill
8.5 coulomb's earth pressure theory
8.5.1 coulomb's active pressure
8.5.2 coulomb's passive pressure
professional words
9 bearing capacity of foundation
9.1 introduction
9.1.1 general concept
9.1.2 modes of shear failure
9.2 allowable bearing capacity of foundations
9.3 ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations
9.3.1 prandtrs method
9.3.2 terzaghrs method
9.3.3 general bearing capacity equations
9.4 characteristic value of bearing capacity of shallowfoundations
professional words
10 slope stability
10.1 introduction
10.2 slope stability of cohesionless soil
10.3 slope stability of cohesive soil
10.3.1 stability analysis of infinite slopes in cohesivesoil
10.3.2 total stress analysis with ~u = 0
10.3.3 method of slices (swedish solution)
10.3.4 bishop's simplified method
professional words

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