行业英语、经管化工类作者:刘艳林 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787202059579 定价: 出版时间:2011-08-01 出版社:河北人民出版社 |
行业英语、经管化工类 本书特色
行业英语、经管化工类 目录
unit 1 nutrition and healthpart ⅰ reading
passage a:nutrition
passage b:ways to avoid cancer in your life
part ⅱ translation skills词义的选择
part ⅲ practical writing广告
unit 2 cosmetics and drugs
part ⅰ reading
passage a:cosmetics
passage b:over-the-counter drug
part ⅱ translation skills词义的引申
part ⅲ practical writing求职信
unit 3 promotion
part ⅰ reading
passage a:mary kay
passage b:nike
part ⅱ translation skillr转换翻译法
part ⅲ practical writinr履历表
unit 4 e-commerce
part ⅰ reading
passage a:jack ma and his alibaba
passage b:what is electronic commerce
part ⅱ translation skills增词译法
part ⅲ practical writinr感谢信
unit 5 hotel and management
part ⅰ reading
passage a:conrad hilton--self-made king of the world’s
hotel industry
passage b:the hotel reservation
part ⅱ translation skills省词译法
part ⅲ practical writing邀请信
unit 6 sightseeing
part ⅰ reading
passage a:big fun
passage b:statue of liberty and chinatown
part ⅱ translation skills改变词序译法
part ⅲ practical writing询价信
unit 7 corporate culture
part ⅰ reading
passage a:corporate culture
passage b:microsoft named the best place to work in uae
part ⅱ translation skills否定句的译法
part ⅲ practical writinr企业简介
unit 8 corporate management
part ⅰ reading
passage a:japanese style of management
passage b:kfc’s success recipe in china
part ⅱtranslation skill卜被动语态的译法
part ⅲ practical writinr索赔函
appendix ⅰ vocabulary
appendix ⅱ 商务英语专业常用词汇表
appendix ⅲ 旅游英语专业常用词汇表
appendix ⅳ 酒店英语专业常用词汇表
appendix ⅴ化工英语专业常用词汇表
appendix ⅵ 日常职位对照表
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