国外电子与通信教材系列离散时间信号处理(第3版)(英文版)/(美)ALAN V.OPPENHEIM

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国外电子与通信教材系列离散时间信号处理(第3版)(英文版)/(美)ALAN V.OPPENHEIM

国外电子与通信教材系列离散时间信号处理(第3版)(英文版)/(美)ALAN V.OPPENHEIM

作者:(美)Alan V. Oppenheim

开 本:其他





国外电子与通信教材系列离散时间信号处理(第3版)(英文版)/(美)ALAN V.OPPENHEIM 本书特色

本书系统论述了离散时间信号处理的基本理论和方法,是国际信号处理领域中的经典教材。内容包括离散时间信号与系统,z 变换,连续时间信号采样,线性时不变系统的变换分析,离散时间系统结构,滤波器设计方法,离散傅里叶变换,离散傅里叶变换的计算,利用离散傅里叶变换的信号傅里叶分析,参数信号建模,离散希尔伯特变换,倒谱分析与同态解卷积。本书例题和习题丰富,具有实用价值。本书的配套网站www.pearsonhighered.com/oppenheim提供了一些重要概念的可视化解释以及利用这些概念进行实践的操作环境,以帮助对本书内容进行增强和补充。

国外电子与通信教材系列离散时间信号处理(第3版)(英文版)/(美)ALAN V.OPPENHEIM 内容简介

本书系统论述了离散时间信号处理的基本理论和方法,是靠前信号处理领域中的经典教材。内容包括离散时间信号与系统,z 变换,连续时间信号采样,线性时不变系统的变换分析,离散时间系统结构,滤波器设计方法,离散傅里叶变换,离散傅里叶变换的计算,利用离散傅里叶变换的信号傅里叶分析,参数信号建模,离散希尔伯特变换,倒谱分析与同态解卷积。本书例题和习题丰富,具有实用价值。本书的配套网站www.pearsonhighered.com/oppenheim提供了一些重要概念的可视化解释以及利用这些概念进行实践的操作环境,以帮助对本书内容进行增强和补充。

国外电子与通信教材系列离散时间信号处理(第3版)(英文版)/(美)ALAN V.OPPENHEIM 目录


1 Introduction
2 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Discrete-Time Signals
2.2 Discrete-Time Systems
2.2.1 Memoryless Systems
2.2.2 Linear Systems
2.2.3 Time-Invariant Systems
2.2.4 Causality
2.2.5 Stability
2.3 LTI Systems
2.4 Properties of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
2.5 Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations
2.6 Frequency-Domain Representation of Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
2.6.1 Eigenfunctions for Linear Time-Invariant Systems
2.6.2 Suddenly Applied Complex Exponential Inputs
2.7 Representation of Sequences by Fourier Transforms
2.8 Symmetry Properties of the Fourier Transform
2.9 Fourier Transform Theorems
2.9.1 Linearity of the Fourier Transform
2.9.2 Time Shifting and Frequency Shifting Theorem
2.9.3 Time Reversal Theorem
2.9.4 Differentiation in Frequency Theorem
2.9.5 Parseval’s Theorem
2.9.6 The Convolution Theorem
2.9.7 The Modulation or Windowing Theorem
2.10 Discrete-Time Random Signals
2.11 Summary
3 The z-Transform
3.0 Introduction
3.1 z-Transform
3.2 Properties of the ROC for the z-Transform
3.3 The Inverse z-Transform
3.3.1 Inspection Method
3.3.2 Partial Fraction Expansion
3.3.3 Power Series Expansion
3.4 z-Transform Properties
3.4.1 Linearity
3.4.2 Time Shifting
3.4.3 Multiplication by an Exponential Sequence
3.4.4 Differentiation of X(z)
3.4.5 Conjugation of a Complex Sequence
3.4.6 Time Reversal
3.4.7 Convolution of Sequences
3.4.8 Summary of Some z-Transform Properties
3.5 z-Transforms and LTI Systems
3.6 The Unilateral z-Transform
3.7 Summary
4 Sampling of Continuous-Time Signals
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Periodic Sampling
4.2 Frequency-Domain Representation of Sampling
4.3 Reconstruction of a Bandlimited Signal from Its Samples
4.4 Discrete-Time Processing of Continuous-Time Signals
4.4.1 Discrete-Time LTI Processing of Continuous-Time Signals
4.4.2 Impulse Invariance
4.5 Continuous-Time Processing of Discrete-Time Signals
4.6 Changing the Sampling Rate Using Discrete-Time Processing
4.6.1 Sampling Rate Reduction by an Integer Factor
4.6.2 Increasing the Sampling Rate by an Integer Factor
4.6.3 Simple and Practical Interpolation Filters
4.6.4 Changing the Sampling Rate by a Noninteger Factor
4.7 Multirate Signal Processing
4.7.1 Interchange of Filtering with Compressor/Expander
4.7.2 Multistage Decimation and Interpolation
4.7.3 Polyphase Decompositions

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教材 研究生/本科/专科教材 工学


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