生物化学-美国医师执照考试-(第3版)作者:[美] 威儿科克斯(R.Bruce Wilcox) 编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787565904820 定价: 出版时间:2013-01-01 出版社:北京大学医学出版社 |
生物化学-美国医师执照考试-(第3版) 内容简介
《美国医师执照考试丛书:high-yield 生物化学(第3版)》主要特色:1.内容高度概括,重点突出有利于读者快速掌握学科的核心知识。2.编排新颖、既有基础知识要点的介绍,又有以疾病为核心的综合归纳,并体现了相关学科的横向联系。3.语言规范、地道,既有利于读者快速掌握专业词汇,又有利于医学英语思维的培养。 《美国医师执照考试丛书:high-yield 生物化学(第3版)》是参加美国医师执照考试的**辅导用书,也可作为我国医学院校从事双语教学的教材和参考用书,对教师进行英语授课,学生学习、参加考试具有重要的参考价值。
生物化学-美国医师执照考试-(第3版) 目录
1 acid-base relationships
ⅰ.acidic dissociation
ⅱ.measures of acidity
ⅳ.acid-base balance
ⅴ.acid-base disorders
ⅵ.clinical relevance: diabetic ketoacidosis
2 amino acids and proteins
ⅰ.functions of proteins
ⅱ.proteins as polypeptides
ⅲ.protein structure
ⅳ.protein solubility and r-groups
ⅴ.protein denaturation
ⅵ.clinical relevance
3 enzaymes
ⅰ.energy relationships
ⅱ.free-energy change
ⅲ.enzymes as biological catalysts
ⅳ.michaelis-menten equation
ⅴ.lineweaver-burk equation
ⅵ.enzyme regulation
ⅶ.clinical relevance: methanol and ethylene glycol poisoning
4 citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation
ⅰ.cellular energy and adenosine triphosphate
ⅱ.citric acid cycle
ⅲ.products of the citric acid cycle(one revolution)
ⅳ.syntheic function of the citric acid cycle
ⅴ.regulation of the citric acid cycle
ⅵ.electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation
ⅶ.chemiosmotic hypothesis
ⅷ.clinical relevance
5 carbohydrate metabolism
ⅰ.carbohydate digestion and absorption
ⅱ.glycogen metabolism
ⅴ.regulation of glycolysis and gluconeogenesis
ⅵ.pentose phosphate pathway
ⅶ.sucrose and lactose metabolism
6 lipid metabolism
ⅰ.lipid function
ⅱ.lipid digestion
ⅲ.lipoprotein transport and metabolism
ⅳ.oxidation of fatty acids
ⅴ.fatty acid synthesis
ⅵ.glycerolipid synthesis
ⅶ.sphingolipid synthesis
ⅷ.cholesterol synthesis
ⅸ.clinical relevance
7 amino acid metabolism
ⅰ.functions of amino acids
ⅱ.removal of amino acid nigrogen
ⅲ.urea cycle and detoxification of nh+4
ⅳ.carbon skeletons of amino acids
ⅴ.clinical relevance: inherited (inborn) errors of amino metabolism
8 nucleotide metabolism
ⅰ.nucleotide structure
ⅱ.nucleotide function
ⅲ.purine nucleotide synthesis
ⅳ.pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis
ⅴ.deoxyribonucleotide synthesis
ⅵ.nucleotide degradation
ⅶ.clinical relevance
9 nutrition
ⅰ.energy needs
ⅲ.micronutrients: the fat-soluble vitamins
10 gene expression
11 biochemical technology
12 hormones
考试 医药卫生类职称考试 执业医师考试
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