姜红升中国画教材:牡丹篇:How to paint the peony

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姜红升中国画教材:牡丹篇:How to paint the peony

姜红升中国画教材:牡丹篇:How to paint the peony


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姜红升中国画教材:牡丹篇:How to paint the peony 内容简介


姜红升中国画教材:牡丹篇:How to paint the peony 目录

Preface / 1
Painting Materials 书画用品 / 6
Brushes 毛笔 / 7
Colours 颜料 / 8
Seals 印章 / 9
Amount of Water 水量 / 10
Holding Brushes 握笔 / 11
Chinese Painting Instructions
国画示范 / 12
Petals 花瓣/ 13
Stamens 花蕊/ 20
Leaves 叶子 / 22
Stems 花茎 / 27
Leaf Veins 叶脉 / 31Preface / 1Painting Materials 书画用品 / 6Brushes 毛笔 / 7Colours 颜料 / 8Seals 印章 / 9Amount of Water 水量 / 10Holding Brushes 握笔 / 11Chinese Painting Instructions国画示范 / 12Petals 花瓣/ 13Stamens 花蕊/ 20Leaves 叶子 / 22Stems 花茎 / 27Leaf Veins 叶脉 / 31Artwork 成稿 / 32Calligraphyfor Painting 书画落款 / 34Framing with Silk 书画装裱/ 38Artwork for Painting 作品临摹 / 42Purple Peony 紫气祥云 / 43Orange Peony 花娇香溢/ 50Lavender Peony 沉鱼落雁 / 54Red Peony 梦回洛阳 / 58Green Peony 绿幕隐玉 / 62Sharing the Joy of Painting 创作及作品 / 66Painting Activities 创作 / 67Artwork by Students 学员作品 / 74Jack’s Artwork 姜红升作品 / 86信息 姜红升中国画教材:牡丹篇:How to paint the peony

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