E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究

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E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究

E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究


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E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究 本书特色


E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究 内容简介

本书应用20世纪在美国兴起的后现代主义和新历史主义相关理论探讨多克托罗审美和主题焦点以展示其后现代历史主义小说的特征。绪论以多克托罗的生平和文学创作为中心, 简述其如何成为当代美国文学中一位重要的后现代派作家 ; **章介绍多克托罗后现代历史小说的特点 ; 二到六章分别介绍了他的几部代表作 ; 第七章讨论多克托罗后现代历史小说的信仰、体裁的多样性、事实和虚构的结合及其作品中历史、文化和政治 ; 结束语对该书加以总结。

E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究 目录

A.E.L.Doctorow' s Life and Literary Career
B.Doctorow Studies in America and China
C.Theoretical Frame, Structure and Main Contents of the Dissertation
Chapter 1 The Characteristics of E.L.Doctorow' s Postmodern Historical Fiction
A.The Nature of Historical Fiction
B.Doctorow' s Coverage of Almost All Periods of American History
Chapter 2 The March:A Literary Representation of the American Civil War
A.Inventing the Past
B.History as Myth
Chapter 3 The Waterworks:A True Picture of the Political Corruption of Capitalism in the 19th and 20th Centuries
A.The Historical Situatior
B.From the Real World to the Artistic World
C.Anti - Industrialism
Chapter 4 Ragtime:A Literary Representation of America in the 1910s
A.The Trarformation of Pre - World War I America into Images
B.The Fragments of Time into a Series of Perpetual Presents
C.Verisimilitude Irtead of Objective Truth
D.The American Dream
Chapter 5 World' s Fair:The Historical Writing of the Great Depression in the
1930s and Its Indeterminacy
A.A Historical Writing about the Great Depression
B.Indeterminacy:World's Fair as an Innovative Autobiography
Chapter 6 The Book of Daniel:The Politics of Polyphony of McCarthyism in the 1950s
A.The Red Scare and McCarthyism
B.The Politics of Polyphony
Chapter 7 Postmodern Artistic Devices in E.L.Doctorow' s Historical Fiction
A.Doctorow' s Faith in His Postmodern Historical Fiction
B.Mixture of Genres:Fiction, Autobiography, Play and Detective Stories
C.Blending Fact and Fiction
D.History, Culture and Politics
E.Doctorow's Narrative Art
Works Cited
Acknowledgements E.L. 多克托罗历史小说的后现代派艺术研究

文学 文学理论


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