国际贸易法(高等院校教材)作者:韩永红 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787811340778 定价:34.0 出版时间:2008-04-01 出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社 |
chapter questions
chapter 6 the international transfer of intellectual property
6.1 fundamentals of intellectual property rights
a. copyrights
b. patents
c. trademarks
d. know-how or trade secrets
6.2 international intellectual property organizations and treaties
6.3 regulations on international licensing
a. rules regulating the anticompetitive aspects of, international licensing
b. restrictive business practices
7.3 uncitral model law on electronic commerce
a. in general
b. non-discrimination provisions
c. contract formation provisions
7.4 china's legislation on electronic commerce
a. development of electronic commerce in china
b. electronic signature law of the people's republic of china
7.5 european union's law on electronic commerce
a. electronic signature directive
b. personal data protection directive
7.6 united states' federal law - e-sign act
chapter summary
chapter questions
chapter 8 wto law
8.1 historical development of gatt law and wto law
a. the birth of
国际贸易法(高等院校教材) 节选
管理 市场/营销 进出口
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