金融学-第二版作者:(美)博迪(Bodie.Z.)等著 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787300111391 定价:48.0 出版时间:2009-09-01 出版社:中国人民大学出版社 |
金融学-第二版 内容简介
金融学-第二版 目录
**部分 金融和金融体系第1章 金融经济学
第2章 金融市场和金融机构
第二部分 时间与资源配置
第3章 跨期配置资源
第4章 居民户的储蓄和投资决策
第5章 投资项目分析
第三部分 价值评估模型
第6章 市场估值原理
第7章 已知现金流的价值评估:债券
第8章 普通股的价值评估
第四部分 风险管理与资产组合理论
第9章 风险管理的原理
第10章 对冲、投保和分散化
第11章 资产组合机会和选择
第五部分 资产定价
第12章 资本市场均衡
第13章 远期市场与期货市场
第14章 期权市场与或有索取权市场
第六部分 公司金融
第15章 企业的财务结构
第16章 实物期权
金融学-第二版 节选
金融学-第二版 相关资料
插图:In order to produce goods and services, all firms——small and large——need capital. Thebuildings, machinery, and other intermediate inputs used in the production process arecalled physical capital The stocks, bonds, and loans used to finance the acquisition of thephysical capital are called financial capital.The first decision any firm must make is what businesses it wants to be in. This iscalled strategic planning. Because strategic planning involves the evaluation of costs andbenefits spread out over time, it is largely a financial decision-making process.Often a firm will have a core business defined by its main product line, and it maybranch out into related lines of business. For example, a firm that produces computer hard-ware may also choose to produce the software. It may also choose to service computers.A finn's strategic goals may change over time, sometimes quite dramatically. Somecorporations enter into businesses that are seemingly unrelated to each other. They mayeven abandon their original core business altogether so that the company's name ceases tohave any connection with its current business.For example, ITT Corporation started out as a telephone company in 1920. Its namestood for International Telephone and Telegraph. In the 1970s ITT became a large multi-national conglomerate, operating a diverse set of businesses including insurance, muni-tions, hotels, bakeries, automobile rentals, mining, forest products, and gardening productsin addition to telecommunications. During the 1980s, ITT shed many of its businesses andfocused on operating hotels and casinos. By 1996 it had abandoned its original core busi-ness of producing telephone equipment and telecommunication services.Once a firm's managers have decided whatbusinesses they are in, they must prepare aplan for acquiring factories, machinery, research laboratories, showrooms, warehouses,and other such
管理 金融/投资 金融理论
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