外贸函电-第2版作者:仲鑫 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787111308454 定价:28.0 出版时间:2010-08-01 出版社:机械工业出版社 |
外贸函电-第2版 本书特色
外贸函电-第2版 目录
前言Chapter 1 Structure and Layout of InternationaI Business LetterChapter 2 Writing for Effectiveness Chapter 3 Tactics of Written NegotiationChapter 4 Financial Standing InvestigationChapter 5 The Procedures of Written NegetiationChapter 6 Orders Chapter 7 Proforma Invoice Chapter 8 Sales PromotionChapter 9 Terms of PaymentChapter 10 PackingChapter 11 ShiPment Chapter 12 InsuranceChapter 13 Cornptaints,CIaims and Adjustments Chapter 14 Agencies Chapter 15 Joint Venture 参考文献外贸函电-第2版 节选
外贸函电-第2版 相关资料
插图:A proforma invoice is an invoice sent for form's sake. Unlike an ordinary in-voice, it does not bind either the seller or the buyer. A proforma invoice is notnecessarily involved in every transaction. It is generally used: 1) to serve as a formal quotation or as a price reference. 2) to enable the buyer to make the necessary preliminary arrange-ments, such as obtaining an import license for the goods he would like toorder. Very often a proforma invoice is used as a form of quotation. This reallylooks like a normal commercial invoice but it does not go through the normalbook keeping system until an order is forthcoming. Proformas are often requiredby the customer's government when issuing import licenses or currency permits.There may be delay if the customer has to submit the proforma invoice to a gov-ernment department——another reason why an efficient exporter will usually indi-cate the length of time the offer will remain firm. The customer might obtain animport license and then find that the price has increased and therefore that the li-cense value is not sufficient.
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