服务营销作者:陈钠编著 开 本:21cm 书号ISBN:9787561456422 定价:28.0 出版时间:2012-09-01 出版社:四川大学出版社 |
服务营销 内容简介
《服务营销》编著者陈钠。 本书主要用于本科学生“服务营销学”的教材,既详细,又浅显,同时具有系统性。相比于有形商品,服务具有无形性、不可分离性、可变性和易逝性的特点,因此服务营销比有形商品的营销更为复杂,本书服务营销的相关内容也是以服务的这四大本质特征为基础进行的分析。服务营销组合比传统市场营销组合多了3p,即在产品(product)、价格(price)、渠道(place)、促销(promotion)的基础上增加了人员(people)、过程(process)和有形展示(physical evidence)这三个方面。本书主要介绍了有关服务业的基本概念及其本质特征,并详细分析了服务营销中新增加的3p。同时,本书不仅介绍了服务营销领域的相关知识,而且让学生对服务中的顾客行为也有所了解,让学生有能力在顾客满意、服务质量、服务技能等方面都游刃有余。
服务营销 目录
chapter 1 an overview of services marketing 1.1 basic concepts of service 1.1.1 the definition of service 1.1.2 characteristics of services 1.1.3 the classification of service l. 1.4 tasks of service peonnel 1.2 service industry 1.2. 1 education and health services 1. 2. 2 financial activities 1.2. 3 the government 1.2.4 information 1.2. 5 leisure and hospitality 1.2. 6 professional and business services 1.2. 7 traportation and warehousing and utilities 1.2. 8 wholesale and retail trade 1.2. 9 other services 1.2. 10 the e-service 1.3 services marketing 1.3. 1 services marketing mix 1. 3.2 some core concepts in services marketing 1.3.3 marketing problems caused by service characteristios 1.3.4 possible ways to solve marketing problems in service chapter 2 customer behavior in service chapter 3 managing custome chapter 4 managing emoloyees in service firm chapter 5 pricing strategy for services chapter 6 managing physical evidence chapter 7 service delivey process
管理 市场/营销 市场营销
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