
首页 > 图书 > 经济管理类图书/2020-06-08 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:王锦程 著

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中国财富出版社跨国公司内部知识转移研究情境视角与外派经理的作用 内容简介


中国财富出版社跨国公司内部知识转移研究情境视角与外派经理的作用 目录

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 The Study
1.2 The Research Context
1.3 The Research Objective
1.4 The Structure of the Study

Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Studies of Knowledge in Different Disciplines
2.2 The Definition of Organizational Knowledge and Its Scope
2.3 Distinction Between Tacit and Explicit Knowledge
2.4 Types of organizational Knowledge
2.5 Knowledge Transfer
2.6 Knowledge Transfer in MNCs
2.7 Outcomes of Knowledge Transfer
2.8 Factors Affecting Organizational Knowledge Transfer in MNCs
2.9 The Impact of National Culture on Knowledge Transfers
2.1 0The Impact of Institutional Context on MNCs Knowledge Transfer

Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis Development
3.1 The Limitations of the Literature Review
3.2 Theoretical Framework of Stickiness Factors and the Hypotheses Development

Chapter 4 Research Design and Methodology
4.1 Sample Background
4.2 Questionnaire Design
4.3 Data Collection
4.4 Sample Data
4.5 Construction of the Measures

Chapter 5 Analysis of Data and Result Presentation
5.1 Types of Knowledge Transferred
5.2 The Expatriates’Role in the Process of Knowledge Transfers
5.3 Descriptive Statistics for All The Variables
5.4 Analysis of Pearson Correlation Matrix of All variables
5.5 Multicollinearity Diagnostics Among Independent Variables
5.6 Results of Regression Analysis

Chapter 6 Discussion on the Empirical Results
6.1 Types of the Knowledge Transferred
6.2 The Role of the Expatriates in the Knowledge Transfer
6.3 Impact of the Characteristics of Knowledge on the Difficulty of Transfers
6.4 Impact of the Institutional Context on the Difficulty of Transfers
6.5 Impact of the National Cultural Context on the Difficulty of Transfers
6.6 Comparison of the Application of Institutional and National CulturalContext
6.7 Impact of the Organizational Context on the Difficulty of Transfers
6.8 Impact of the Relational Context on the Difficulty of Transfers
6.9 Impact of Control Variables on the Difficult of Transfer

Chapter 7 Conclusion
7.1 Theoretical and Practical Implications
7.2 Limitations and Future Research Direction

Appendix Questionnaires 中国财富出版社跨国公司内部知识转移研究情境视角与外派经理的作用

管理 一般管理学
