语言学视域下的简·奥斯丁作品人际关系研究作者:魏丽娟著 开 本:21cm 书号ISBN:9787305184864 定价:42.0 出版时间:2017-05-01 出版社:南京大学出版社 |
语言学视域下的简·奥斯丁作品人际关系研究 内容简介
本书以语言学理论为指导, 对奥斯丁的主要小说的文本进行分析, 旨在全面系统地研究揭示人物关系的语言艺术。作者根据合作原则、人际意义和言语表达理论对简·奥斯丁不同时期三部重要小说《傲慢与偏见》《爱玛》和《劝导》中刻画人际关系的语言进行系统详尽的研究。
语言学视域下的简·奥斯丁作品人际关系研究 目录
1. A Critical Survey of Linguistic Studies on Jane Austen"s Major Fiction
2. The Explanation of Linguistic Theories Concerned
3. The Argument and the Methodology of the Book
4. The Organiztion of the Book
Chapter One Cooperative Principle in Male-Female Relationship in Pride and Prejudice
1. Application of CP in the Realization of Diverse Collaboration
2. Violation of CP in the Demonstration of Mild Conflict
Chapter Two Interpersonal Metafunction in Parent-Child Relationship in Emma
1. Mood in the Reflection of Fettered Love
2. Modality in the Manifestation of Devious Growth
Chapter Three Speech Representation in Female Relationship in Persuasion
1.Direct Speech Representation in the Display of Disharmonious Relationship
2. Indirect Speech Representation in the Exhibition of Compatible Friendship
语言学视域下的简·奥斯丁作品人际关系研究 作者简介
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