首届经济增长与就业国际论坛论文集作者:杨河清 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787563816767 定价:58.0 出版时间:2009-06-01 出版社:首都经济贸易大学出版社 |
首届经济增长与就业国际论坛论文集 内容简介
首届经济增长与就业国际论坛论文集 目录
·amount imbalance and structural imbalance—analysis in the reasons of employment difficulty of gmduates in china·airline industry developments in emerging markets
·application of ltv m0del in make-to—order manufacturing——a case study on an integrated steel mill
·fdi in new member states 0f the eu:economic implication for h0st economies
·the credibiiity of management eamings forecasts in chinese ipo prospectuses
·the impact of china in the g10bal malrket:from the admission in the wto to the implications for latin america
·western alliances and management education in china
·transition pmcess in the westem balkans:how much is it a successful story?
·ahp and fuzzy appraisal to early waming mechanism for harrnony ratios of china’s labor relations
·analysis in the innuential factors in market demand for graduates in china and countermeasures
·analysis on the public employment service system for graduates in china
·basic research and sustainable development at the enteiprise level
·b00sting organization capital growth through knowledge sharing——a new perspective on corporate knowledge management
·china’s changing ijabour market and the arrival of lewisian rruring p0int
·china’s rural economy:issues and stmtegies——taking zhejiang fbod market refornl as an example
·research 0n the corporate s0cial responsibility for employment promotion
·discussion on the realization of the employment right of the disabled
·govemment actions to promote employment and analysis of the effectiveness of the action
·higher education,employment,wage and economic growth in china
·human resource developmem,and sustainable development in china
·impairment of assets and the manipulated profits 0f listed companies——fiom the evidence of the lost listed companies
·on global economic imbalance and china economic growth
·research on the contribution of resources efficiency to economic growth
·rising labor c0st and sustainable development of china
·the root and prevention of graduates employment traps
·studv of increasing labor c0st and upgmding manufacturing industry in china
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