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国际经济关系-第六版 本书特色


国际经济关系-第六版 内容简介

简介   《国际经济关系(第六版)》涵盖了国际经济学的相关知识,对自冷战后国际经济关系发展状况,各种国际经济体系的具体情况及随着经济全球化出现的新经济问题进行了详细的介绍。本书几乎涵盖了国际经济关系的所有领域,具体包括:国际经济关系的管理和国际协调,国际货币体系的管理,国际贸易和国内政治学,跨国公司和全球管理,发展中国家的资金流量、贸易和发展战略,第三世界的跨国集团,石油与政治,全球化与治理等问题。本书附有详细的图表、案例以帮助读者更完整、深入地理解各章内容。

国际经济关系-第六版 目录

**部分 概述**章 国际经济关系中从管理到治理的发展过程布雷顿森林体系相互依存时代全球化时代本章小结第二部分 西方体制第二章 国际货币体系的治理布雷顿森林体系从布雷顿森林体系到相互依存时代的过渡时期相互依存时代全球化时代20世纪90年代的危机管理21世纪的全球化货币管理第三章 国际贸易与国内政治布雷顿森林体系相互依存时代全球化时代本章小结第四章 跨国公司和全球治理跨国公司的共性外国直接投资的趋势以及其他跨国公司行为对跨国公司行为的解释跨国公司行为的结果外国直接投资的国际政体本章小结第三部分 南北体系第五章 对发展中国家的资金流动布雷顿森林体系与外国援助相互依存时代的资金流动全球化第六章 贸易和发展战略布雷顿森林体系:脱离贸易秩序相互依存:增加发展中国家力量的战略全球化:参与到贸易制度中来第七章 第三世界的跨国公司发展中国家跨国公司和外国直接投资的作用相互依存全球化第八章 石油与政策公司垄断组织石油输出国组织系统其他石油输出国组织石油输出国组织的衰落全球化时代21世纪的石油第四部分 冷战结束的含义第九章 结论:全球化和治理问题国际经济管理的发展历程全球化治理面临的挑战新的治理体系的特征术语表参考文献

国际经济关系-第六版 节选


国际经济关系-第六版 相关资料

插图:An international monetary system must also have means for adjusting imbal-ances in international payments. In national economies, payments imbalancesamong regions are adjusted more or less automatically through movement ofcapital and through fiscal and monetary policies. In international economic re-lations, disequilibria in payments can be settled by financing, by changing do-mestic economic policy to shift trade and investment patterns, by rationingthe supply of foreign exchange through exchange controls, or by allowing thecurrency exchange rate to change. Effective adjustment can be promoted byinternational cooperation, but successful cooperation depends primarily onimplementing domestic policies to achieve international solutions, a politicallydifficult task.In the Bretton Woods system, adjustment was based on a fixed exchangerate system supplemented by financing, exchange controls, exchange ratechanges, and adaptation of national policies. During the periods ofinterdepen-dence and globalization, a mix of adjustment mechanisms existed. Exchangerates among major members of the system floated; that is, they changed fre-quently in response to market conditions as well as to government interven-tion. Complementing these floating exchange rates were fixed rates amonggroups of countries, such as the EU, and fixed rates between two countries, aswas the case with countries who linked their currencies to the dollar or to othermajor currencies. Under floating rates, frequent exchange rate changes drivenby markets were supplemented by intervention by national authorities in cur-rency markets, financing, and changes in national economic policies.The tension between international adjustment needs and domestic politicalrequirements is a central dilemma of international monetary relations. For ex-ample, it is often necessary but politically difficult to implement policies thatreduce governmental budget def

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