有意义学习理论和图式理论视角下的英语阅读理解作者:刘艳梅 开 本:32开 书号ISBN:9787514188028 定价:26.0 出版时间:2017-12-01 出版社:经济科学 |
有意义学习理论和图式理论视角下的英语阅读理解 本书特色
有意义学习理论和图式理论视角下的英语阅读理解 目录
Introdilcllon Chapter l Exploration on the Nature ofEFL Readin9。 1.1 Disputes on the Nature of EFL Reading and Manifestations in Practical Teachin9 1.2 Further Explorations on the Nature of Readin9 1.3 The Nature of Readin9 Chapter 2 Meaningful Learning Theory 2.1 What is Meaningful Learning? 2.2 Meaningful Learning and Meaning Acquisition 2.3 Meaningful Learning and Meaning Retention 2.4 Forgetting Viewed from Meaningful Learning Theory 2.5 Implications of Meaningful Learning Theory for Reading Pedagogy 2.6 A Review of Previous Studies of Meaningful Learning Theory 2.7 A Short Critique Oil Meaningful Learning Theory Chapter 3 Schema Theory 3.1 Philosophical and Psychological Rationale behind Schema 、Theory ……
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