一带一路沿线国法律精要伊拉克、以色列、哈萨克斯坦、阿曼卷作者:王贵国,李鋈麟,梁美芬 主编 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787308172325 定价:88.0 出版时间:2017-12-01 出版社:浙江大学出版社 |
一带一路沿线国法律精要伊拉克、以色列、哈萨克斯坦、阿曼卷 内容简介
本书系“一带一路”沿线近40个重要国家的法律体系和规则制度精要,主要包括该国的(1)海关体系,如海关当局的权力、进出口检查规程和标准等;(2)对外贸易制度,如许可证制度、反倾销和技术壁垒等;(3)外国直接投资,如外国直接投资的优待措施,双边投资条约等;(4)货币银行体系,如外汇制度、银行制度等;(5)基础设施建设方面的法律,如项目融资、政府参与程度、外资参与限制等;(6)有关劳动管理方面的法律,如强制要求薪水、伤亡赔偿等;(7)环境法,如污染排放标准等;(8)相关纠纷解决方面的法律。 本书由香港世界贸易组织研究中心、有名的靠前经济法学家王贵国教授担任主编,来自俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、印度、斯里兰卡、日本、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、英国、法国、德国、瑞士、埃及、希腊、意大利、荷兰、土耳其等“一带一路”沿线近40个重要国家的法律专家,直接用英文撰写本国的法律及规则精要,充分体现了该国国情。 此书的出版,将为我国企业与“一带一路”沿线国家顺利展开经贸活动、规避法律风险提供有效指导;同时,也为我国政府相关部门提供直接、适时的决策参考意见。此外,在学理层面,此书将为我国与“一带一路”沿线国家靠前关系、靠前政治和经济等相关领域的交叉学科理论研究提供新素材和理念。
一带一路沿线国法律精要伊拉克、以色列、哈萨克斯坦、阿曼卷 目录
IraqAbout the AuthorIntroductionChapter 1 Customs System and LawChapter 2 Foreign Trade System and LawChapter 3 Foreign Direct Investment System and LawChapter 4 Monetary and Banking System and LawChapter 5 Construction of InfrastructureChapter 6 Labour Management and TreatmentChapter 7 Environmental LawChapter 8 Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Concerning Foreign EntitiesIsraelAbout the AuthorIntroductionChapter 1 Customs System and LawChapter 2 Foreign Trade System and LawChapter 3 Foreign Direct Investment SystemChapter 4 Monetary and Banking System and LawChapter 5 Laws Relating to Construction of InfrastructureChapter 6 Labour LawChapter 7 Environmental LawChapter 8 Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Conceming ForeignEntitiesKazakhstanAbout the AuthorsChapter 1 Customs RegulationChapter 2 Foreign Trade SystemChapter 3 Foreign Direct InvestmentChapter 4 Monetary System and Banking LawChapter 5 Laws Relating to Construction of InfrastructureChapter 6 Labour Management and TreatmentChapter 7 Environmental LawChapter 8 Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Concerning Foreign EntitiesOmanAbout the AuthorOverview of Oman's Political and Legal SystemsChapter 1 Customs System and LawChapter 2 Foreign Trade System and LawChapter 3 Foreign Direct Investment System and LawChapter 4 Monetary and Banking System and LawChapter 5 Laws Relating to Construction of InfrastructureChapter 6 Laws Relating to Labour Management and TreatmentChapter 7 Environmental LawChapter 8 Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Concerning Foreign Entities
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