
首页 > 图书 > 教育类图书/2020-06-16 / 加入收藏 / 阅读 [打印]


作者:韩志先 等主编

开 本:18.5





英语阅读教程(2) 内容简介


英语阅读教程(2) 目录

Unit I Texts 1-4
 IA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  1. What's in An Indian's Name
  2. Let's Climb Popo
  3. The Laugher
  4. Life in Death
 IB Learning about Skills and Words
 IC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit II Texts 5-8
 IIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  5. Traveling in the Jungle
  6. The Left-footed Thief
  7. The Perfect Match
  8. The Watch
 IIB Learning about Skills and Words
 IIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit III Texts 9- 12
 IIIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  9. The Gentleman in White
  10. Icarus
  11. Early Days of the Mail
  12. Clocks Through Time
 IIIB Learning about Skills and Words
 IIIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit IV Texts 13-16
 IVA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  13. How Hurricanes Get Their Names
  14. The Little Gypsy Horse
  15. The Vanished City
  16. The Legend of Dr. Norman Bethune
 IVB Learning about Skills and Words
 IVC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit V Texts 17-20
 VA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  17. Disaster in Dayton
  18. Surprises in Ice
  19. A Pound of Butter
  20. Learning a Language
 VB Learning about Skills and Words
 VC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit VI Texts 21-24
 VIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  21. He Led a Useful Life
  22. Postmen with Feathers
  23. Arctic Adventure
  24. When Marriage Is a Crime
 VIB Learning about Skills and Words
 VIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit VII Texts 25-28
 VIIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed
  25. Mister Imagination
  26. The Gift of Fire
  27. Why Study Math
  28. The Whistle Language of La Gomera
 VIIB Learning about Skills and Words
 VIIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and Speed
Unit VIII Texts 29-32
Unit IX Texts 33-36
Unit X Texts 37-40
Key to Excercises 英语阅读教程(2)

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