优选论作者:(英)卡格(Kager R.) 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:7560023800 定价:42.9 出版时间:2001-10-01 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 |
优选论 内容简介
优选论 目录
Preface by Halliday王宗炎序
Preface by Chomsky
1 Confilicts in grammars
1.1 Introduction:goals of linguistic theory
1.2 Basic concepts of OT
1.3 Example of constraint interaction
1.4 The archiecture of an OT grammar
1.5 Interactions of markedness and faithfulness
1.6 Lexicon Optimization
1.7 A factorial typology of markedness and faithfuness
1.8 On edfining segment inventories
1.9 Conclusion
2 The typology of structural changes
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Nasal subtitution and related effects
2.3 The typlolyt NC effects
2.4 Conspiracies of nasal substirution and other processes
2.5 Conclusion:a comparison with rule-based theory
3 Syllable strure and economy
3.2 The basic syllable typology
3.3 Epenthesis and the conflict of well formedness and faithfulness
3.4 Generalized Alignment
3.5 The quality of epenthetic segments
3.6 Coda consitions
3.7 Conclusion
4 Metrical structure and Parallelism
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Word stess:genetal background
4.3 Case-study:rhythmic lengthening in Hixkaryana
4.4 A set of metriaclconstraints
4.5 Case-study:rhythmic syncope in Sonthestern Tepehuan
4.6 Conclusions
5 Correspondence in redplication
6 Output to output correspondence
7 Learning OT grammars
8 Extensions to syntax
9 Residual issues
Inedx of Languages
Inedx of subjects
Inedx of contraints
外语 英语学术著作
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