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老南京:旧影秦淮作者:叶兆言 开 本:大32开 书号ISBN:7119030485 定价:80.0 出版时间:2003-01-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
老南京:旧影秦淮 内容简介
When he was alive my grandfather often told a storu about a friend of his who was noted scholar.Whenever the scholar went into a bookstore of libray ,he would shake his head in dissppointment,complain-ing that there no books appropriate for him to read.Such an attiude was a typical drawback often associated with noted pelple in society.I have some-times come across people with the same prejudices.they are not really higbrow scholars. In fact they may not even be mediovre scholars,but they always complain they mock are no good books to read. With strong words,they mock bookstores,libraries and all those who write,compile and edit books.

外语 FOR老外
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