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最新大学英语四级备考指南CET-4兵 本书特色


最新大学英语四级备考指南CET-4兵 目录

**章 CET-4/6作文——TS+2A写作法
Part 1 TS+2A写作法示范
Part 2 CET-4/6写作概述
Part 3 扩大词汇量的方法
Part 4 常用的段落主题句
Part 5 有用的复合句及万能动词
Part 6 TS+2A写作法及范文讲解
Part 7 TS+2A写作法实战练习

第二章 智取阅读理解
Part 1 题型及阅读理解须知
Part 2 阅读理解解题要诀
Part 3 智取阅读理解案例
Part 4 智取阅读理解实战练习

第三章 快速阅读——兵贵神速
Part 1 快速阅读的定义及方法
Part 2 判断题、完成句子题解题方法
Part 3 快速阅读解题方法案例
Part 4 快速阅读解题方法实战练习

第四章 听力理解——避难就易
Part 1 听力理解概述
Part 2 避难就易的原理和方法
Part 3 三篇短文听力实用技巧
Part 4 两篇长对话听力实用技巧
Part 5 八句短对话听力实用技巧

第五章 CLOZE——关门捉贼
Part 1 题型及解题思路
Part 2 解题思路案例
Part 3 CLOZE实战练习

第六章 选词填空——蜻蜓点水
Part 1 题型及解题思路
Part 2 解题思路案例
Part 3 选词填空实战练习

第七章 汉译英——以退为进
第八章 参考答案及讲解


最新大学英语四级备考指南CET-4兵 节选


最新大学英语四级备考指南CET-4兵 相关资料

1.Ancient Climate History
The first people arrived in America between 1 5,000 and 30,000 year ago.During that time,much of North America was covered by great ice sheets.Some 14,000 years ago,the last ice sheet began to melt very quickly.By 7,000 years ago,the ice was gone.
This end to the ice ages caused big changes on the Earth.The changes caused many kinds of plants and animals to die.For example,mastodons-elephant-like animals and other large mammals that preferred cold climates may not have been able to live in the warmer,drier conditions.
2.The Little Ice Age
Starting in the 14th century,Europeans lived through what is known as the“Little Ice Age”.The I。ittle Ice Age lasted for several hundred years.During the Little Ice Age,the advance of glaciers along with hard winters and famines caused some people to starve and others to leave their homes.
3.Recent Climate History
The Earth has warmed about 1 OF in the last 1,00 years.And the four warmest years of the 20th century all happened in the 1990s.Periods of increased heat from the sun may have helped make the Earth warmer.But many of the world’s leading climatologists think that the greenhouse gases people produce are making the Earth warmer,too.
Scientists think the sea has risen partly because of melting glaciers and sea ice.When some glaciers melt,they release water into the sea and make it higher than it was before.Scientists also think that warmer temperatures in the sea make it rise even more.Heat makes water expand.When the ocean expands,it makes up more space.
4.What Might Happen?

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外语 英语考试 大学英语四级


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