Chinese Bronzes A General Introduction-中国青铜器的奥秘
Chinese Bronzes A General Introduction-中国青铜器的奥秘作者:李学勤 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787119048703 定价:188.0 出版时间:2007-01-01 出版社:外文出版社 |
Chinese Bronzes A General Introduction-中国青铜器的奥秘 本书特色
Chinese bronzes were not only the daily
utensils, work tools and weapons of the
people of ancient times, but also exquisite
works of master craftsmen which have been
handed down from generation to generation.
Their beautiful forms, elaborate decorations
and the moving stories that were cast
on them have attracted the attention
and aroused the interest of lovers
of bronzes at home and abroad.
This bOOk,COpiously_lIustrated
『with cOlOur pictures and sketches,Is recom—
mended tO readers whO wiSh t0 explOre the
wonder Of Chinese brOnzes.1n language
cOmprehensible t0 the layman,it suppl_es a
basic knOwledqe 0n Chinese brOnze art:its
Oriain,pe rjOdS Of develOpment and itS vaIue as
re口ards the studV 0f ancient histOry and an—
cjent SChpt.The authOr iS a whO has
perSOna¨y partICIpated In many maJOr ar—
chaeOlOaiCaI excavatiOnS and reSeanChed intb
this subiect fbr many years,and in this book
he neportS On the lateSt reSultS 0f the StUdy
and excavations 0f Chinese bronzeS.
外语 FOR老外
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