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新东方新托福考试口语特训 本书特色


新东方新托福考试口语特训 目录

Chapte r 1 Personal Experience
Sample Place
Unit 1 Person
Unit 2 Culture
Unit 3 Event
Unit 4 Animals
Unit 5 TV & Movies
Unit 6 Music
Unit 7 Literature
Unit 8 Subjects at SchooI
Unit 9 Sports
Unit 10 PersonaI Possessions
Urit 11 Famous Words
Unit 12 Personal Words
Unit 13 Emotion & Sentiments
Unit 14 Games
Unit 15 Style & Habits
Unit 16 Food
Unit 17 Hobby
Chapter 2 PersonaI Preference
Sample Renting an Apartment or Living in Dormitories
Section 1 Preference
Unit 1 A Car or a Vacation
Unit 2 Cash or Gift
Unit 3 Studying Alone or in a Group
Unit 4 Making a Complaint in person or in Writing
Unit 5 Indoors or Outdoors
Unit 6 Customs
Unit 7 By Car or By Train
Section 2 Agree or Disagree
Unit 1 Chores
Unit 2 Beauty
Unit 3 Success
Unit 4 Decisions
Unit 5 Professional Athletes and Entertainers
Unit 6 Zoo
Unit 7 Teaching
Unit 8 Military Service
Section 3 Comparison
Unit 1 Summer job
Unit 2 TraveI
Unit 3 Spring Cleaning
Unit 4 Censorship ,
Unit 5 Retail Store
Unit 6 Learing a New Language
Unit 7 News
Unit 8 Food
Chapter 3 Integrated Speaking 1
Sample An Online Program
Unit 1 Professor Fairway
Unit 2 The Commute Challenger Competition
Unit 3 Curriculum Change
Unit 4 International Internship Program
Unit 5 Library Closures
Unit 6 Fire Regulations
Unit 7 Nature Walk
Chapter 4 Integrated Speaking 2
Sample Immunization
Unit 1 English Language
Unit 2 Is Air Matter?
Unit 3 Objectivity in Journalism
Unit 4 Human Genome Project
Unit 5 Animal Rights Group
Unit 6 Romanticism
Unit 7 Vegetarianism
Chapter 5 Conversation
Sample Interviewing Homeless People
Unit 1 Future Plans
Unit 2 Choosing a Play
Unit 3 Work Shift
Unit 4 Working Holiday or Traveling
Unit 5 Mountain Climbing Trek
Unit 6 Capital Punishment
Unit 7 The use 0f ZooS
Chapter 6 Lecture
Sample California’S Agriculture
Unit 1 Learning Disability
Unit 2 Tourism
Unit 3 A Photography Group
Unit 4 The Third World
Unit 5 Teenage Years
Unit 6 Unions
Unit 7 Racism

新东方新托福考试口语特训 相关资料

李志研,南加州大学英语教育学硕士,曾任三星、起亚等优秀企业的T0EIC、TOEFL培训师,洛杉矶州立大学TOEIC、GRE、写作课程讲师,2002 世界杯组织委员会外景报道组长,路透社韩国世界杯企划部部长。曾在知名语言学院从事TOEIC、TOEFL在线讲座,编辑、出版过50余本语言学相关教材,现为自由翻译、国际会议主持人,同时经营JI-YEONLEE英语研究所和BOOKCUBE出版社。


外语 英语考试 托福TOEFL


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