让你的英语口语不再雷死人作者:马特 开 本:16 书号ISBN:9787504357991 定价:29.8 出版时间:2009-05-01 出版社:中国广播电视出版社 |
让你的英语口语不再雷死人 本书特色
《让你的英语口语不再雷死人》附赠的光盘涵盖了书中50篇文章的英文对话部分,均以纯正美音朗读。此书*适用于想要学习时尚的、常用的、地道的、自然的英语口的人,那就是你!只要去听敢说,你的英语口语将不再雷死人!潮人口中的新词层出不穷,但是,这些流行关键词用英语怎么表达呢?麦霸(microphone hog),宅男宅女(the stay-at-home type),人妖(lady boy),穷忙族(the working poor),工作狂(workaholic),闪婚(flash marriage),婚外恋(extramarital affair),拼客(the pooling clan),人肉搜索(online vigilantism),试客(the free-sample clan),整容(plastic surgery)……如果你也和我一样,热爱语言学习,又厌烦了传统的课本和速成式英文培训班和过气了的口语,且不再满足于自己那雷死人的中式英语,那么——就把《让你的英语口语不再雷死人》带回家:一边看,一边听,一边被称赞:你的口语“真他妈”的地道啊!
让你的英语口语不再雷死人 目录
欢乐社交麦霸,口下留情!慷慨小费我们从吧极品宅女中国乐游游天南地北看世界齐心协力促环保今天你“志愿”了吗?民族的就是世界的经济独立新人“薪”气象月光光,心慌慌信用卡,我的爱!我为记账忙投资理财我*行买房:想说爱你不容易穷忙族二手商品淘淘淘人在职场SoHo一族升职加薪看我的“八卦”——聊你没商量正装便装两相宜贵不贵?盘中餐为什么迟到的总是你?当爱情降临在办公室社保不保工作狂人“草莓”一族请假:看我三十六计“待”薪休假情感世界“闪婚”晒晒你的择偶观联出良缘浪漫婚庆我作主4+2=?养儿方知父母恩昏里婚外结婚?离婚?健康性生活E世代“拼客”一族网上购Go!Go!搜房?网上搜房!人肉搜索试客E族云想衣裳花想容美妆达人晒宝贝喝出水嫩肌肤我为整容狂精妆男人三千烦恼丝佛要金装,人要衣妆原汁原味的时尚?让你的英语口语不再雷死人 节选
让你的英语口语不再雷死人 相关资料
月光光,心慌慌The “Moonlight Clan”DialogueChristina and her mother, Mary, have been shopping for about an hour in their local shopping center.Mary: Okay. I’ve got to go run some errands. But, do you still want to have dinner together later?Christina: Oh, okay. Yeah, dinner’s still on. I think I’m going to carry on shopping, so, do you want to meet back here in a couple of hours?Mary: You’re going to keep shopping? Are you sure? You’ve already spent a fair bit of money… I mean, those clothes you bought are lovely, but haven’t you spent most of your salary for this month already?Christina: Oh, stop nagging me! I can handle my own accounts.Mary: Okay, okay. No need to bite my head off. I was just trying to give you some advice.Christina: Alright, mom. Trust me. I’ll be sensible! Dinner will even on my treat tonight. So, let’s meet back here in two hours.Mary: Okay, see you soon.Two hours later Mary and Christina meet for dinner. Christina arrives with twice as many shopping bags as she had before.Mary: Christina! What did I tell you? I thought you said you were going to be sensible?!Christina: I was sensible… I bought some sensible jewelry, some sensible work clothes and a sensible MP3 player…Mary: Oh, Christina, you’re never going to save any money if you keep on like this! You’re always eating out, going to fancy bars and buying new things.Christina: Chill out, mom. I’m perfectly in control.Mary [sighs]: Okay. Let’s just get some dinner.Christina: Oh, yeah… About that … can we go Dutch?
让你的英语口语不再雷死人 作者简介
外语 英语专项训练 口语/语音
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