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大学英语网考视听新体验-1-(含1CD-ROM) 目录

Unit One College LifeSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Two MoneySection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Three Leisure ActivitiesSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Four Live on Your OwnSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Five Love and FriendshipSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Six SportsSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Seven FamilySection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoUnit Eight Food and DrinksSection A Lead inSection B Listening ComprehensionSection C VideoKeysScripts

大学英语网考视听新体验-1-(含1CD-ROM) 节选

《大学英语网考视听新体验1》是以《大学英语课程教学要求》为依据,以“应用性、实用性和真实性”为指导思想编写的一本视听教材,旨在提高学生的听说能力。《大学英语网考视听新体验1》共分为8个单元,包括College Life, Money, Leisure Activities, Living on Your Own, Love and Friendship, Sports, Family和Food and Drinks等部分,题型设计与练习难度与大学英语四级考试相当。书后附有参考答案和录音文字材料供学生参考。

大学英语网考视听新体验-1-(含1CD-ROM) 相关资料

插图:Here is a warning for college students:you are a prime target for identity thieves.So before you go back to school, there are some things you and your parents need toknow. Financial author and radio host Dave Ramsey is here to explain. Good morning,Dave. (Good morning. )I wanna begin by reading a letter that you got from one of your listeners, 'cause itreally illustrates the problem.This listener wrote. My third day at college, I applied for several credit cards oncampus, five years later I found out that all of my personal information was posted on awebsite. I had cars bought in my name, and credit accounts across the country. Acollege student who ran one of the credit card booths was responsible for posting myinformation. Even though I now have a new social security number, I constantly have tomonitor my credit reports. I have had to explain all this to employers that run abackground check on me. Those free T-shirts almost wound up costing me 150,000dollars. How likely is it that a college student will have their ID stolen?More likely than any other age group, sadly that's the No. 1 age group for identitytheft. And identity theft as we all know is like a big deal on America right now. But this18——29 age group the Federal Trade Commission says is the No. 1 area, and of thatgroup, the college ages, wow ,the biggest group.There are three main reasons you say. The first one being that college age studentsare naive. We are so trusting. Sign up for five credit cards makes me look like an adult.Never thinking about that, all this information is just being scarfed and something isgoing to happen to it. You have to be a little bit cynical to avoid identity theft.The second reason you say is because college age students get all those free offersin the mail for credit cards.Well, they do, and they are dangerous, not only like that particular letter a lot ofwriters found, but also th


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