中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考作者:石小军 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787301177945 定价:25.0 出版时间:2010-09-01 出版社:北京大学出版社 |
中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考 本书特色
中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考 目录
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION1.1 A Puzzle1.2 The Organization of This BookCHAPTER 2 AN ANALYSIS OF THE OCCURRENCE OF THE MIXED PROGRESSIVE2.1 Broader Picture: Gerund and Progressive Form in History 2.2 Solution to the Appearance of the Mixed Progressive2.3 Reason for the Appearance of the BNG in the Mixed Progressive2.4 SummaryCHAPTER 3 AN ANALYSIS OF THE DECLINE OF THE MIXED PROGRESSIVE3.1 Further Reflection upon Jespersen's "Amalgamation" Hypothesis3.2 Parallelism between Verbal Gerund and PE Progressive Form3.3 Disappearance of the Mixed Progressive3.4 SummaryCHAPTER 4 AN ANALYSIS OF OTHER NOMINAL GERUND / PRESENT PARTICIPLE CONSTRUCTIONS4.1 Nominal Gerund in Participle Construction 4.2 Nominal Gerund in Manner Participle Construction 4.3 Nominal Gerund Following Perception Verbs 4.4 Summary CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FURTHER PERSPECTIVESNOTESREFERENCESAPPENDIX中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考 节选
《中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考》是以原始文献实例分析考察为基础,经过多年的潜心研究,对英语史中的动名词和现在分词现象展开深入细致的考证,并特别将关注点聚焦在英语语言发展史中的中近代五百年间的名词性动名词(Nominal Gerund)曾经与现在分词的各种表现经常混用,且其尤为频繁地出现于现在分词进行时的句法位置这一特殊的历史语言现象上。本研究通过转换生成语法的理论体系尝试对名词性动名词缘何出现在现在分词的句法位置以及其*终又于此消失的原因及过程展开探讨的同时,特别又对至目前在各类相关先行研究中*为权威的Jespersen(1931:168-169)的“合并论”提出了质疑和补充。
中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考 相关资料
插图:Since the phrase "were quenching of one" parallels a progressive form of present participle "be burning another", he considers that the mixed progressive should be "indeed treated as progressives".Fanego (1996. 102——103) gives a few comments on the characteristic of the mixed progressive. She says that the mixed progressive is "a variant of the progressive" in spite of the fact that "the object of the verb surfaces as an of-phrase, thus resembling the object of a nominal gerund. " Concerning the only six examples of the mixed progressive that she found in the Helsinki Corpus, she observes that all of them are "in a passage markedly colloquial in tone" and they are, so to speak, "informal" expressions. Thus, in view of the marginality, scarcity and informality of the mixed progressive, she concludes that it has not the "gerund status".All of the above scholars do not give any explanation for how the mixed progressive disappeared.
中近代英语中动名词和现在分词混用现象考 作者简介
石小军,1971年生。日本广岛大学文学博士。日本中世英语英文学会会员。现任对外经济贸易大学英语学院讲师,硕士生导师,兼任日本广岛大学研究生院文学研究科语言技术表现中心客座研究员。2001年出版专著Gerund and Progressive Form in ME and EModE:With Special Reference to THE ENGLISH HEXAPLA,2008年在《外国文学评论》第四期发表论文《日本中古英语语言文学研究考》,2009年9月至2010年8月于牛津大学圣彼德学院访学。张晶,1974年生。北京外国语大学英语语言文学博士,曾在《外语教学》、《外语学刊》、《中国高等教育》、《外国语言文学》上发表过学术论文。现为对外经济贸易大学英语学院讲师,硕士生导师。
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