法律英语高级教程作者:马庆林 开 本:16开 书号ISBN:9787811347951 定价:30.0 出版时间:2010-09-01 出版社:对外经济贸易大学出版社 |
法律英语高级教程 本书特色
法律英语高级教程 内容简介
法律英语高级教程 目录
unit 1 the law and legal systemamerican common law systems
extended reading
thinking in depth
suggested reading materials
unit 2 the judicial system
the american federal courts
extended reading
thinking in depth
suggested reading materials
unit 3 legal education and profession
american legal education
法律英语高级教程 节选
《法律英语高级教程》共有15个单元。每单元分为主课文(Text)、练习(Exercise)、辅课文(ExtendedReading)、思考练习(thinking in Depth)及相关资料(Suggested Reading Materials)。每单元的教学需6学时,全册书约需60学吼主课文(Text)作为精度文章讲解,课文后设计有生词、音标、单词释义、课文注释,供教师和学生开展课堂教学。
法律英语高级教程 相关资料
插图:The legal definition of a crime involves the elements of the criminal acts that must beproven in a court of law if the defendant is to be found guilty. For the most part, commoncriminal acts have both mental and physical elements, both of which must be present if the actis to be considered a legal crime.5 The following definition of the crime of burglary in thenighttime, as stated in the Massachusetts General Laws6, is an example of the mental andphysical elements of the substantive criminal law:Whoever breaks and enters a dwelling house in the nighttime, with intent to commit afelony7, or whoever, after having entered with such intent, breaks such dwelling house inthe nighttime, any person being lawfully therein, and the offender being armed with adangerous weapon at the time of such break or entry, or so arming himself in such houseor making an actual assault on a person lawfully therein, (commits the crime of burglary).The elements of the crime are.
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