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脱口说英语-旅游口语大全(附9小时MP3光盘一张) 本书特色

《脱口说英语:旅游口语大全(含光盘)》,点击进入:《脱口说英语:商务口语大全(含光盘)》,点击进入:《脱口说英语--面试口语大全》,点击进入:《脱口说英语:情景口语大全(含光盘)》,点击进入:《脱口说英语:口语语料大全》,点击进入:《脱口说英语 短句口语大全》,点击进入:《脱口说英语--习语口语大全(实用生活篇)》,点击进入:《脱口说英语:习语口语大全(职场交际篇)》,点击进入:

脱口说英语-旅游口语大全(附9小时MP3光盘一张) 内容简介


脱口说英语-旅游口语大全(附9小时MP3光盘一张) 目录

chapter 1 the prelude of the tourism 旅行前奏
unit 1 planning the tour旅行计划
unit 2 making a plane reservation预订机票
unit 3 check—in procedures办理登机
unit 4 going through customs海关通行
unit 5 travelling by air飞机旅行
chapter 2 service in hotel 宾馆服务
unit 1 reserving a room预订房间
unit 2 registering登记入住
unit 3 arranging for the luggage行李安置
unit 4 housekeeping客房服务
unit 5 complaints投诉抱怨
unit 6 checking out结账退房
chapter 3 service in restaurant 餐馆服务
unit 1 booking a table预订座位
unit 2 seating the guests引客入座
unit 3 taking orders顾客点菜
unit 4 offering drinks提供饮料
unit 5 having chinese food吃中餐
unit 6 having western food吃西餐
unit 7 at the cafeteria快餐自助
unit 8 complaints就餐意见
unit 9 checking out结账离开
chapter 4 the transport 交通出行
unit 1 on a bus乘公交车
unit 2 travelling by subway乘坐地铁
unit 3 taking a taxi打出租车
unit 4 travelling by train火车出行
unit 5 travelling by ship乘船游览
unit 6 driving a car自驾出行
chapter 5 hatting during the tour 旅行闹聊
unit 1 talking about the weather闲聊天气
unit 2 talking about the time闲聊时间
unit 3 talking about jobs闲聊工作
unit 4 talking about seasons闲聊季节
unit 5 talking about hobbies闲聊爱好
unit 6 talking about sports闲聊体育
unit 7 talking about health闲聊健康
unit 8 talking about the environment闲聊环境
chapter 6 shopping during the tour 旅途购物
unit 1 the clothes shop服装卖场
unit 2 fashionable ornament时尚配饰
unit 3 the jewellery store珠宝首饰
unit 4 cosmetics买化妆品
unit 5 the arts store工艺礼品
unit 6 special local products当地特产
unit 7 the supermarket超级市场
chapter 7 service during the tour 旅游服务
unit 1 at the bank银行服务
unit 2 at the post office邮局服务
unit 3 travelling photos旅游摄影
unit 4 in a barber shop在理发店
chapter 8 the activities 旅行活动
unit 1 seeing a movie观看电影
unit 2 music and drama音乐戏剧
unit 3 squiffed taproom迷情酒吧
unit 4 going to the dancing party参加舞会
unit 5 visiting a park游览公园
unit 6 surfing on the internet网上冲浪
unit 7 watching iv观看电视
chapter 9 views of the world 世界风光
unit 1 a tour in asia and africa亚非之行
unit 2 a trip in europe欧洲之旅
unit 3 a trip in australia澳洲之游
unit 4 sightseeing in america观光美洲
unit 5 foreign customs外国风俗
chapter 10 views of china 中国风光
unit 1 natural scenery自然风光
unit 2 places of interest名胜古迹
unit 3 folk customs民风民俗
chapter 11 getting rid of troubles 排除困难
unit 1 asking the way迷途问路
unit 2 lost luggage物品丢失
unit 3 seeing a doctor生病就医
unit 4 car accidents交通事故
unit 5 farewell 离别送行

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外语 口语、生活实用英语 出国旅游英语


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