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能源动力类专业英语 本书特色


能源动力类专业英语 内容简介

简介   本书是为满足高等学校能源动力系统及自动化(即热能动力工程)专业的专业英语教学需要而编写的教材。内容涉及能源概论、火力发电、水力发电、核能发电与新能源发电、节能与环保技术等方面的知识及新技术和新动向。本书每单元均包括正文和阅读材料,部分单元配有专业术语解释,书后附有总词汇表。书中选用的资料全部取自近年出版的英文原版书刊和文献,其来源广泛,内容系统性强,涉及到的专业词汇覆盖面广。   本书可作为能源动力系统及自动化(即热能动力工程)专业的本科生和研究生的专业英语教材,或相关双语课程的教材,也可供从事能源动力及电力行业工作的工程技术人员和管理人员参考。

能源动力类专业英语 目录

前言Part One Energy Introduction Unit One Energy in China Unit Two Electricity in China Unit Three Clean Coal Technologies Unit Four IGCC Part Two Thermal Power Unit One Introduction of Boiler Unit Two Boiler Arrangement and Key Components (Ⅰ) Unit Three Boiler Arrangement and Key Components (Ⅱ) Unit Four Boiler Auxiliaries Unit Five Boiler Operation and Control Unit Six Introduction of Steam Turbine Unit Seven Steam Turbine Construction Unit Eight Steam Turbine Auxiliaries Unit Nine Governing and Protecting System of Steam Turbine Unit Ten Steam Turbine Operation Part Three Hydropower Unit One Hydropower Development Around the WorldUnit Two Hydropower Project (Ⅰ) Unit Three Hydropower Project (Ⅱ) Unit Four Hydropower Plant Control Unit Five Hydroplant Control System Unit Six Hydropower Plant Machine Dynamic Diagnosis Unit Seven Sustainable Reservoir OperationPart Four Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy Unit One Nuclear Power 215Unit Two Renewable Energy 222Unit Three Solar Power GenerationUnit Four Wind Power GenerationUnit Five Geothermal PowerUnit Six Biomass EnergyPart Five Energy Saving and Environmental Control Unit One Energy ConservationUnit Two Oil SavingUnit Three Wastewater Pollution ControlUnit Four Air Pollution ControlUnit Five Solid Waste DisposalAppendix A GlossaryAppendix B Conversions of UnitsReferences

能源动力类专业英语 节选



外语 大学英语 大学专业英语教材


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