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石油工程专业英语教程 内容简介

简介   本书在内容选题和编排上较好地结合了石油工程专业英语的教学要求和技术发展,在注重石油工程专业基础知识的基础上,突出了工程应用技术,广泛涉猎了当今石油工程前沿技术。书中的翻译练习精选了课文里较少系统涉及的相关石油工程常识基础,附录中给出了英文释义的基础专业术语。通过本教程的学习,能强化石油工程专业人员的英文科技文献阅读能力。    本书可供相关专业本科、研究生进行石油工程专业英语阅读学习,也可供油田现场石油工程技术人员培训、学习时参考。

石油工程专业英语教程 目录

Part A Petroleum Engineering Fundamentals1.1 Petroleum1.2 Geology of Petroleum1.3 Exploration1.4 Well Drilling & Cgmpletion1.5 ProductionPart B Advanced Technology in Petroleum Engineering2.1 Directional Drilling2.2 Horizontal,Multilateral,and Multibranch Wells in Petroleum ProductEngineering2.3 Multilateral Technology2.4 MWD,LWD and Geosteering2.5 Artificial-Lift Systems2.6 Sand Stabilization and Exclusion2.7 Conventional Well Stimulation2.8 Water Control2.9 Reservoir SimulationPart C Extensive Reading Material in Petroleum Engineering3.1 Drilling Fluids3.2 Well Cementing3.3 Underbalanced Drilling and Managed Pressure Drilling3.4 Expandable Tubular Technology3. 5 Drilling with Casing (DWC)3.6 Intelligent Well completions3.7 CT Technology3.8 EOR Technology3.9 Well TestingTranslation ExercisesAppendix:Petroleum Engineering Terminology FundamentalsReferences

石油工程专业英语教程 节选


石油工程专业英语教程 相关资料

插图:The unique issues associated with ERD wells largely stem from the high inclination of thewell that is required to reach the objective departures. Tangent" sail" angles in some ERD wellshave been 80度or higher. "Average" angles from surface to TD have been 70度or higher. Some ERDwells have in fact been drilled as extremely long horizontal wells where the bulk of the well hasbeen drilled horizontally (defmed as an inclination of 88度or more).At such high inclinations, the transport of cuttings from the well is more difficult than invertical wells. As a result, higher flow rates, tighter control of drilling-fluid rbeology, and the useof non-conventional mechanical means to assist hole cleaning must he used. Such mechanicalmeans might include high drillstring rotation (off-bottom) or the use of special, bladed drillpipeto stir cuttings beds mechanically. High rotary speeds and backreaming help clean the hole butcan increase drilling shock&and cause fatigue or backoff of motor housings. Therefore, suchpractices should be viewed as secondary hole-cleaning methods and used only if primary holecleaning is inadequate. A common method of removing cuttings beds is the use of low-viscositysweeps that scour the cuttings off the low side of the hole; high-viscosity sweeps are then madethat carry the dislodged cuttings to the surface. The fundamental driver of hole cleaning,however, is flow rate, and high flow rates are strongly recommended throughout high-inclinationsections if ERD allows. For this reason, the rig' s pump and piping capacities with regard to flowrate, pressure, and the drillstring design are critical.Other implications of high inclination include the greater likelihood of mechanical wellboreinstability and hence the need for careful mud-weight planning. Since more formation is exposedfor longer periods, chemical stability also becomes more critical.Aside from hydraulics and formation

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