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IELTS雅思考前15天阅读-(修订版) 本书特色

提供1 5天的考前冲刺备考框架,帮你制定符合自己特点的应试方略;

IELTS雅思考前15天阅读-(修订版) 目录

第1天 雅思阅读考试概述
Lessons from the Titanic

第2天 大意题型
1.Signs of Success
2.A Stubborn, Taxing Problem
3.Tea Times
4.Mary Wollstonecraft

第3天 大意题型巩固
1.From Black Box to Blue Box
2.Fat of the Land
3.A Modest Undertaking
4.Leisure Time
5.The History of Writing
6.Historical Thermometers
7.Parenting and Responsibility
8.What Is a Dinosaur?
9.Hair Today

第4天 细节题型(一):简答题/填词题/选择题/分类题
1.The 5000-mile National Cycle Network
2.Environmental Impact of Mining on People
3.Where Are the Jobs?
4.The Blueberries of Mars
5.Another Intelligence?
6.Recycling Britain
7.Things Fall Apart
8.Mobile Telecommunications

第5天 细节题型(一)巩固练习
1.In or Out?
2.The Brain and Intelligence
3.UNICEF, Malnutrition and Micronutrients
4.Social Impact of Mining
5.Under Water
6.Government in Aboriginal Societies
7.Of Ducks and Duck Eggs

第6天 细节题型(二):判断题/回填题/配对题
1.The Creation Myth
2.A New Menace from an Old Enemy
3.The Politics of Pessimism
4.Recycling Plastics
5.Asbestos Inhalation

第7天 细节题型(二)巩固 练习
1.Pronunciation and Physiognomy
2.Prosecuting Corporate Fraud
3.Where's the Lawyer?
4.Turning up the Heat in the Greenhouse
5.Why Women Have to Work
6.How Fire Leapt to Life
7.Circadian .Rhythms of a Day

第8天 阶段性复习
1.Warnings to Be Ignored
2.Just Relax
3.Money as the Unit of Account

第9天 态度/观点题型
1.Too Few Women at the Top Is Not Just a Science Problem
2.Left out or Left behind
3.Before Disaster Strikes
4.A Constitution for Europe
5.Beware the Natives and Their Norms

第10天 态度/观点题型巩固练习
1.We're Patently Going Mad
2.Free Lunch for All
3.Risk Management for the Masses
4.Playing with Fire
5.The Siren Song of the Outsider
6.Weapons of Mass Salvation

第11天 总结题型
1.Sports and Recreation
2.The Greenhouse Effect
3.The Changing Nature of Careers
4.Automobiles vs.Public Transport
5.Paper Recycling

第12天 总结题型巩固练习
1.Locked Doors, Open Access
2.Fermented Foods for Babies
3.Political Parties in U.K.
4.What Happens When Lightning Strikes an Airplane?
5.Domestic Pets in New Urban Areas
6.The Tourist Industry

第13天 图表题型
1.Numeraey Centre
2.Information for Students at the Language and Culture Center
3.Reaching for the Sky
4.Garbage in, Garbage out
5.Destination for International English Students

第14天 图表题型巩固练习
1.Fashion and Society
2.Hazardous Compound Helps to Preserve Crumbing Books
3.The Dam That Changed Australia
4.Did Tea and Beer Bring about Industrialization?
5.The Beam-operated Traffic System
6.Hemp Revival

第15天 总复习
1.The Peacemakers
2.Team-based Learning
3.Jupiter's Bruises

IELTS雅思考前15天阅读-(修订版) 节选

《雅思考前15天》是为参加雅思考试的考生在考前冲刺阶段使用的一套备考辅导书,它为考生提供了一个15天的考前冲刺备考框架,通过独到的辅导和精选的练习,强化考生的交际技能,帮助考生建立起一套符合自己特点的应试方略,以取得理想的成绩。这套书有口语、听力、阅读、写作4册。 《雅思考前15天·阅读》主要内容包括:雅思阅读考试的特点及应对雅思阅读考试的总体策略;各种题型的概要描述、应对策略、答题技巧(含大意题、细节题、态度/观点题、总结题、图表题等);分类题型训练;模拟试题。

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外语 英语考试 雅思IELTS


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