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文化透视英语教程(1)08版 本书特色

《文化透视英语教程》是一套以英美文化为切入点的英语综合技能训练教程。 该教程采用单元式教学,每个单元围绕一个文化专题,所选的课文往往从不同的角度、在不同的层面上对同一专题展开讨论。 每个单元包含了(Close Reading,Further Reading,Listening和Writing四大部分。 Close Reading以训练学生的阅读理解能力为目标,并配有一定数量的有关词汇、语法和句型的练习。 Further Reading的**篇则从另外一个角度对同一文化专题展开探讨,可作为泛读材料或供教师在课堂上组织对该文化专题讨论时使用;第二篇则可作为训练学生快速阅读能力的教材。 Listening含有一篇听力材料和一部推荐电影。部分听力材料选自美国人对某一文化专题进行讨论时的录音。推荐的电影除了内容梗概外,还有配套的讨论题,可以作为视听说训练的材料。 Writing含有一篇阅读材料和配套的写作练习。遵照循序渐进的原则,写作练习设置为从单句到段落,再到整篇短文的写作训练。 本套教程共含6册,每册各有16个单元,《文化透视英语教程(1)》为**册。

文化透视英语教程(1)08版 目录

Unit 1 Voices from the FamilyClose Reading The Belated FatherFurther ReadingⅠ.Only DaughterⅡ.I Want a WifeListening My FatherWriting Her SecretsUnit 2 The House DividedClose Reading The Antislavery MovementFurther ReadingⅠ.A Nation DividedⅡ.Slave LifeListening Uncle Tom's Cabin Stirs the NationWriting The House DividedUnit 3 Things to Be RememberedClose Reading God in the DoorwayFurther ReadingⅠ.Shades of BlackI1. SalvationListening A Child Remembering Christmas EveWriting JuliaUnit 4 English as a Second LanguageClose Reading Laughing in EnglishFurther ReadingⅠ.Mother TongueⅡ.English as a Second LanguageListening Teaching ESL StudentsWriting The Function of a Language TeacherUnit 5 Life in the CityClose Reading The Sounds of the CityFurther ReadingⅠ.New YorkⅡ.Cornered Listening City Life Writing Washington,D.C.Unit 6 Good and Bad MaannersClose Reading Eye ContactFurther ReadingⅠ.Desperately Seeking Mobile Phone MannersⅡ.DisciplineListening Cell Phone AddictionWriting Minding MannersUnit 7 Travel and CultureClose Reading The End of the RoadFurther ReadingⅠ.A Suitcase's Sojourns and Other StoriesⅡ.The Tip-off on TippingListening Acquaint Yourself with Scandinavian CustomsWriting Don't Let Your Business Deal Get Lost in the TranslationUnit 8 Bill Gates and His EmpireClose Reading Bill Gates. the Henry Ford of the PC IndustryFurther ReadingⅠ.Judge Orders Microsoft Split in 2Ⅱ.They're Trying to Change the RulesListening Anecdotes of Bill GatesWriting Gates and SoftwareUnit 9 Growing UpClose Reading ShameFurther ReadingⅠ.The Sanctuary of SchoolⅡ.Big WhiteListening Concerns Among American TeensWritingTheme for English BUnit 10 Math and GenderClose Reading When Bright Girls Decide That Math Is a Waste of TimeFurther ReadingⅠ.Who's Afraid of Math,and Why?Ⅱ.School,Girls,and the Information AgeListening Girls Are Less SmartWriting Women Stop for DirectionsUnit 11 The HomelessClose Reading The Face of Homelessness: An Official ReportFurther ReadingⅠ.Homeless FamiliesⅡ.JaniceListening CindyWriting Homeless ChildrenUnit 12 Health IssuesClose Reading Fear of DearthFurther ReadingⅠ.Exercise and FitnessⅡ.Never Get Sick in JulyListening WalkingWriting Exercising for Maximum Weight LossUnit 13 Television CultureClose Reading Why We Really Watch Made-for-TV MoviesFurther ReadingⅠ.Americans Embrace Television CultureⅡ.Television,the Drug of the NationListening Audience ResponsesWriting A Wider Range of Choices on TVUnit 14 On ReadingClose Reading The Future of ReadingFurther ReadingⅠ.Moon on a Silver SpoonⅡ.Books Oft Have Such a CharmListening Reading in the Electronic AgeWritingSurvivalUnit 15 StereotypingClose Reading The Media's Image of ArabsFurther ReadingⅠ.Don't Let Stereotypes Warp Your JudgementsⅡ.Fighting StereotypesListening Media's Prejudices of RaceWriting In Africa,Men Hold HandsUnit 16 Native AmericansClose Reading Leaving Home for Carlisle Indian SchoolFurther ReadingⅠ.The Changing World of American IndiansⅡ.Indian Lands LostListening Laura Tohe (of the Navajo Tribe)Writing Native American Art

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