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商务往来篇-英语你得小心说-超值馈赠MP3光盘一张 本书特色


商务往来篇-英语你得小心说-超值馈赠MP3光盘一张 内容简介


商务往来篇-英语你得小心说-超值馈赠MP3光盘一张 目录

unit 1 初次交锋 initial confrontation
 topic 1 机场接待airport reception
  scene one thank you for going off sick to visit our company.谢谢您抽空来参观我们公司。
  scene two he is the general manager's blue-eyed boy.他是总经理的心腹。
  scene three l want to sell you on the idea.我希望你接受我的意见。
  scene four you are totally maxed out.你一定累坏了。
  scene five give me five.你好啊!
 topic 2 互换名片exchanging name cards
  scene one mr. smith will take the chair at the meeting today.今天史密斯先生将会主持会议。
  scene two he is an american china merchant.他是一个做对华贸易的美国商人。
  scene three he is a confident man.他是个充满自信的人。
  scene four i have looked up to your name.久仰您的大名。
  scene five i've hear dab out you.久仰您的大名。
 topic 3 行李搬运carrying luggage
  scene one he is in the habit of doing things by halves.他做事总是半途而废。
  scene two it can'tbelessinterestin9.太无聊了。
  scene three i don't want to put you out.我不想给您添麻烦。
  scene four i think you are killing time.我认为你是在浪费时间。
  scene five get on the stick!赶快!
 topic 4 介绍日程introducing schedule••
  scene one ten to one he'11 be late.他十有八九会迟到。
  scene two how about at the eleventh hour?*后时刻怎么样?
  scene three the meeting is coming of fat 2 p.m..会议下午两点钟开始。
  scene four i'd like to make a personal comment.我想发表一下个人建议。
  scene five you cannot be too careful.你再小心都不为过。
 topic 5 商务用餐business dinner
  scene one me t00.我也要。
  scene two i can't agree with your suggestion more.我非常赞同你的提议。
  scene three he is capable of anything.他什么坏事都做得出来。
  scene four he double-talked tome.他对我说话含糊其辞。
  scene five she is out with the boss.她和老板在外面。
unit 2 知己知彼knowing cooperators and yourself
 topic l 参观访问visitin9
  scene one the manager will cry up the products you supported to us.经理会大加称赞你们提供给我们的产品的。
  scene two i'm afraid that he is on the go fight now.恐怕他现在很忙。
  scene three he is out for lunch.他出去吃午饭了。
  scene four he is burying his head in the sand.他正在逃避现实。
  scene five they gathered once a week in camera for designing new products.他们为设计新产品每周秘密聚会一次。
 topic 2 讨教方法asking for advice”
  scene one c company and an institution are hand and glove together.公司和一家机构相互勾结。
  scene two never cut comers.不要投机取巧。
  scene three do you have any juice?你有什么关系(门路)吗?
  scene four hem a de my blood boil.他把我的肚皮都气炸了。
  scene five you must get on the ball.你们必须要用心做。
 topic 3 交换意见exchanging ideas”
  scene one the boss beats his chest.老板拍拍胸脯(保证某事能成功)。
  scene two the machines must work well if they're going to be the cash cow we want them to be.如果要让这些机器如我们所愿成为摇钱树的话,就不能出乱子。

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外语 行业/职业英语 商务英语
